Special Senate Committee on the Implementation of LionPATH
Status: Complete
Reports and Resources
- 12/8/15 Appendix I: Change to Senate Policy 54-90 (Academic Renewal)
- 10/27/15 Appendix C: Changes to Senate Policy 37-30 (Entrance to and Changes in Major Programs of Study)
- 10/27/15 Appendix D: Change to Senate Policy 34-89 (Course Drop)
- 10/27/15 Appendix E: Change to Senate Policy 34-87 (Course Add)
- 10/27/15 Appendix F: Change to Senate Policy 47-80 (Repeating Courses)
- 9/15/15 Appendix D: Update on Implementation of LionPATH
Babb, David | Res. Assoc./Asst. Professor | EMS | dmb16@psu.edu |
Busges, Michael | Project Director | CENT Finance and Business | mjb80@psu.edu |
Cole, Andrew | Assoc. Professor of LARCH | A&A | cac13psu.edu |
Duncan, Karen | Sr. Assoc. Registrar | UE | klb4@psu.edu |
Edmondson, Jacqueline | Assoc. VP and Assoc. Dean/UE | UE | jxel17@psu.edu |
Grimes, Galen | Assoc. Professor of INFO SCIĀ | UC-GA | gag5@psu.edu |
Hufnagel, Pamela | Asst. Professor/Sr. Instructor | UC-DS | pph1@psu.edu |
Haigh, Michel | Assoc. Professor of COMM | COMM | mmh25@psu.edu |
Kline, Ariel | Student | UP | aqk5382@psu.edu |
Kubat, Robert | University Registrar | UE | rak28@psu.edu |
Manning, Keefe | Assoc. Professor of BIOE and SURGERY | ENG | kbml0@psu.edu |
Murray, Sandy | Admin. Support Coordinator | CENT Finance and Business | slm4@psu.edu |
Ozment, Judith | Assoc. Professor of Chemistry | AB | o96@psu.edu |
Robinett, Richard | Professor of Physics | SCI | rq9@psu.edu |
Salvia, David | Asst. Professor of ELECT ENGR | ENG | dsalvia@psu.edu |
Schulenberg, Janet | Academic Advising MGR. 4 | UE | jks142@psu.edu |
Stania, Lori Anne | Director, Grad. Student Services | GRAD | laf13@psu.edu |