Section One: Baccalaureate Degree Curriculum – General Education Courses

1. Procedures for Submitting General Education Course Proposals

Proposed courses must:

  1. be consistent with the definition of General Education.
  2. include a complete course outline including a statement of course objectives.
  3. explain how the course meets General Education criteria (see section #2).
  4. identify and explain any intended linkages, thematic or sequential, between the proposed course and other courses.
  5. indicate what size student audience will be addressed and whether there will be specific limits set for enrollment in the course; if the course includes discussion or lab sections their enrollment limits should be given.
  6. include pertinent information on the General Education aspects of the course in the long course description (see item b.3. under Course Add).
  7. include documentation of participation of all colleges in which the course is to be taught in the preparation of the proposal.
  8. include the name(s) of the faculty member(s) who has major responsibility for the development of the course.
  9. include a syllabus for the course including at minimum a detailed course description, course objectives and identification of the course’s General Education Learning Objectives and General Education domain(s); other pertinent information required in a syllabus at the time of submission is welcome but not required.
  10. include evidence of support and curricular consultation; integrative studies proposals require consultation and support among faculty with expertise in appropriate Knowledge Domains and disciplines

Mechanism for action on proposal:

  1. The proposal is submitted through
  2. The General Education Subcommittee reviews and makes recommendations to SCCA.
  3. If the course seeks Integrative Studies review, the Integrative Studies Subcommittee reviews and makes recommendations to SCCA following approval of General Education designation(s).
  4. The proposal is published in the Senate Curriculum Report and SCCA acts on the proposal.
  5. General Education courses will undergo a recertification process each 5 years to maintain the General Education designation(s).