University Faculty Ombuds

This portal provides faculty with information and resources about the ombuds system, as well as contact information. We stand ready to serve the Penn State faculty community. Please reach out if you need us.

Façade of Old Main Building.

The Ombuds Role—Confidentiality, Independence, Informality & Neutrality, and Impartiality

Ombuds seek to further the University’s strong commitment to Penn State’s Values: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, Excellence, and Community. Faculty ombuds provide a safe environment for the discussion of issues and concerns; by listening to concerns, they assist the faculty in identifying or creating options for resolution that meet the needs of the faculty and the university, including referrals to formal channels with investigatory powers.  Faculty ombuds do not: keep formal records, mediate, perform formal investigations, or advocate for either one party or another. Faculty Ombuds advocate for fairness.

Our History

Since 1973, Faculty ombuds have provided service to all full-time faculty including instructors and all professorial ranks and equivalent ranks as define in Policy (AC21).  Since 1998 the Faculty Senate approved the creation of the office of the University Ombuds to function as a coordinator/facilitator and clearinghouse of information for ombuds, to oversee workshops and to serve as the university-level contact person for the other ombuds.

People walking outside on Penn State Scranton's campus.
Lisa Gatzke-Kopp

Lisa Gatzke-Kopp

Acting University Faculty Ombud

Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Phone: 814-867-2371
Website: Lisa Gatze-Kopp – HHD
Office: 316E Biobehavioral Health Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Office Hours: By Appointment

Professor Gatzke-Kopp was appointed Acting University Faculty Ombuds in December 2024, to serve in that capacity for the Spring 2025 term. Professor Gatzke-Kopp also serves as the unit Ombuds for the College of Health & Human Development.

Additional Resources

College/Campus Ombuds Training and Coordination

Professor Gatzke-Kopp, as University Faculty Ombud, has responsibility for coordinating the training of all college and campus ombuds. Professor Gatzke-Kopp will disseminate important information among the various colleges and campus ombuds. Anyone who has suggestions that may enhance training is encouraged to contact Professor Gatzke-Kopp.

The University Faculty Ombud also serves as the University-level contact for all unit ombuds. In that role he coordinates the work of all Ombuds, answers questions, and reaches out to relevant university officials on behalf of unit Ombuds. Unit Ombuds are encouraged to contact Lisa Gatzke-Kopp with questions.

For consultation or questions, email: Lisa Gatzke-Kopp ( or call: 814-867-2371

Ombuds Commitments

Faculty Ombuds are committed:

  • To enhance communication;
  • To listen and help to analyze the problem or complaint;
  • To clarify possible misunderstandings in situations which involve potential disputes;
  • To help to define and evaluate options;
  • To identify and explain relevant university policies and procedures;
  • To assist to resolve issues informally and expeditiously;
  • To assure that appropriate department, college and/or campus procedures are exhausted before referring the case to higher levels.

Faculty Ombuds shall not:

  • Hold hearings;
  • Exceed the role of conciliator and adviser;
  • Substitute his or her judgment for that of appropriate administrative and/or faculty bodies;
  • Serve as counsel for either party to a complaint before the Hearing Board.

Six Steps to the Conflict Resolution Process

  1. Clarify what the disagreement is. Clarifying involves getting to the heart of the conflict. The goal of this step is to get both sides to agree on what the disagreement is. To do this, you need to discuss what needs are not being met on both sides of the conflict and ensure mutual understanding. During the process, obtain as much information as possible on each side’s point of view. Continue to ask questions until you are certain that all parties involved (you and those on either side of the conflict) understand the issue.
  2. Establish a common goal for both parties. In this step of the process, both sides agree on the desired outcome of the conflict. “When people know that they’re working towards the same goal, then they’re more apt to participate truthfully to make sure that they reach that end goal together.” Kimberly A. Benjamin explained in a recent BLR webinar. To accomplish this, discuss what each party would like to see happen and find a commonality in both sides as a starting point for a shared outcome. That commonality can be as simple as “both sides want to end the conflict.”
  3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal. This involves listening, communicating, and brainstorming together. Continue with both sides working together to discuss ways that they can meet the goal they agreed on in step 2. Keep going until all the options are exhausted.
  4. Determine the barriers to the common goal. In this step of the process, the two parties acknowledge what has brought them into the conflict and talk about what problems may prevent a resolution. Understanding the possible problems that may be encountered along the way lets you proactively find solutions and have plans in place to handle issues. Define what can and cannot be changed about the situation. For the items that cannot be changed, discuss ways of getting around those road blocks.
  5. Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict. Both parties need to come to a conclusion on the best resolution. Start by identifying solutions that both sides can live with. Ask both sides and see where there is common ground. Then start to discuss the responsibility each party has in maintaining the solution. It’s also important to use this opportunity to get to the root cause to ensure this conflict will not come up again. “A lot of times when we try to fix problems, we get so caught up in fixing it that we do not identify what we need to do so it doesn’t happen.” Benjamin cautioned.
  6. Acknowledge the agreed upon solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution. Both sides need to own their responsibility in the resolution of the conflict and express aloud what they have agreed to. After both parties have acknowledged a win-win situation, ask both parties to use phrases such as “I agree to…” and “I acknowledge that I have responsibility for…”

Academic Unit (College and Campus) Ombuds

Ombuds play an important role under both AC70 and AC76. AC76 provides the basis for selection of unit Ombuds:

“Colleges and campuses should have a person or group to serve in the role of ombud. The individual or group should be selected by procedures approved by a majority of the faculty in the unit.” AC 76

Note: According to AC 76 they are also responsible for Informing the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost and appropriate college or campus officials if a matter cannot be resolved at the lower level and the case is to be referred to the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.  Currently, the practice has been modified. The notice required under AC76 is now delivered by the Office of the University Faculty Senate office at the time a case comes to the Senate Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.

In addition to their role in AC 70 and AC76, Unit Ombuds may be called on to exercise their conciliation role in other matters that may affect faculty. In case of doubt, please reach out to the University Faculty Ombuds.

The current list of Unit Ombuds may be accessed by clicking HERE.  Please help us keep the list up to date by contacting the Senate Office in the event of errors or omissions. Please note that some colleges and campuses have supplemented the University Senate Ombuds program with Ombuds style systems of their own. Please refer to your campus or college website or other information source for more detail; those Ombuds may serve a broader community of stakeholders in their unit and are subject to the unity’s rules. Please be advised that people serving in those roles may not undertake a role in the AC70 or AC76 process.

Annual Survey

At the end of the academic year each unit ombud is asked to complete a survey of their activities for the prior year. Professor Gatzke-Kopp will summarize the information gathered through the survey and present to them to the Senate Council. When requested, the University Faculty Ombud will also present an overview to the full Senate. Privacy and confidentiality of individual cases will be protected.

See: University Faculty Ombuds Reports