67-00 Athletic Competition

67-10 Division I - Athletic Competition (University Park)

I. General

A. Jurisdiction and Oversight

The University Faculty Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall have jurisdiction over all academic matters pertaining to Division 1 intercollegiate athletics at the University Park campus. The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) shall have oversight of the processes determining eligibility of student–athletes for practice and competition, review of athletic schedules for the amount of missed class time expected based on proposed schedules, and for taking appropriate actions when student-athletes have not met the standards set forth in Senate Policy 67-10 (referred to as 67-10). The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall have overall responsibility for ensuring Policy 67-10 is enforced. A student-athlete who has not met any of the provisions of 67-10 may be subject to appropriate action(s).

The intent of this Senate Policy is to stipulate policy where The Pennsylvania State University has an interest in maintaining the primacy of the academic experience, with the goal of Penn State student athletes successfully selecting and completing academic degrees while competing athletically.

View Current NCAA Manuals

B. Faculty Athletics Representative

To meet NCAA requirements and to assist the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee in fulfilling its responsibilities, a Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA Division I is appointed.  Authority granted this Faculty Athletics Representative is outlined in subsequent provisions of 67-10. The Faculty Athletics Representative Division I is appointed by the President of the University.

Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 3/19/2024


II. Eligibility of Athletes*

A. For student-athletes to be eligible to practice and compete they must meet certain status conditions. Conditions for eligibility for practice and eligibility for competition are certified through two different processes.

  1. On behalf of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, the Faculty Athletics Representative will oversee the processes utilized by the Athletics Compliance Office to certify the eligibility of student-athletes to engage in practice activities.
  2. On behalf of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, the Faculty Athletics Representative will oversee the certification of student-athletes for competition; the final determination of eligibility for competition is determined by the Registrar’s Office.

B. Minimum Grade Point Average

A student-athlete is eligible to represent the University in an intercollegiate athletic competition only if the student meets the specified minimum grade point average requirements for the number of full-time regular terms of attendance (excludes summer terms) as stipulated by NCAA and Big Ten Conference requirements (or other Conference requirements for sports not participating in the Big Ten).  For students who have transferred to Penn State, these requirements are triggered after full-time attendance in one regular term. This policy aligns with the Senate Policy 54-00 – “Academic Difficulty and Recovery”.  Specifically, student athletes who are listed by the Registrar with an official status of ‘academic suspension’ are not eligible to compete in an intercollegiate athletic competition for Penn State.  In accordance with Policy 54-00, student athletes listed by the Registrar as being in ‘academic warning’ must follow the process outlined in Policy 54-20 to have the class registration hold removed in order to be able to register for classes.  Student athletes in academic warning with a GPA below 2.00 but greater than the GPAs required by the NCAA and Big Ten may participate in intercollegiate athletic competition.  The Morgan Academic Center should work directly with student athletes that are in academic warning status to develop and implement an academic recovery plan.  This plan should be clearly communicated by the Morgan Academic Center with the student athlete’s coaching staff and Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) administrators.

A student-athlete who is ineligible due to academic suspension as a result of not meeting the Policy 54-00 required GPA is not eligible to petition the Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Committee for relief.  Like all Penn State students, student athletes may utilize any other Faculty Senate mechanism for appeal that appropriately fits the student’s particular circumstances.

C. Enrollment Status

  1. Any credit-eligible course offered by Penn State and approved by the Faculty Senate (including residential instruction, residential online instruction, and/or World Campus classes) may be used to establish the minimum requirements for full time status.
  2. Degree-seeking student athletes in DUS with conditions, non-degree regular and non-degree conditional student athletes are not eligible to practice or compete.
  3. The Morgan Academic Center, in conjunction with the Registrar’s Office, will manage enrollment holds in the Student Information System to reduce the risk of student athletes competing when not eligible due to a recent change in course enrollment. These enrollment holds will be used to ensure that student athletes consult with their assigned academic counselor in the Morgan Academic Center prior to making changes to their academic schedules, including Late Drops.  This required consultation will not limit the rights of student athletes to make the same decisions as all students.  Moreover, this procedure does not create an exception in other Faculty Senate policies.

D. Other Eligibility

A student participating in University Park athletics programs may not be enrolled at any other campus that sponsors an intercollegiate athletics program. A graduate student may be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics if the student has completed a baccalaureate degree and meets all NCAA requirement for post-baccalaureate athletic participation.  Student athletes involved in post-baccalaureate studies must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least a 3.00 to be eligible for intercollegiate athletic competition. Student athletes involved in post-baccalaureate studies must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least a 3.00 to be considered in ‘good standing’ per the Graduate School’s policy (see GCAC-404, Satisfactory Scholarship). Students with a GPA between 2.00 and 3.00 may participate in intercollegiate athletic competition provided they are registered full time and are actively pursuing the graduate degree, and there is an academic recovery plan in place. The Morgan Academic Center should work directly with student athletes and their graduate program to develop and implement the academic recovery plan. This plan should be clearly communicated by the Morgan Academic Center with the student athlete’s coaching staff and Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) administrators.

*Detailed student-athlete eligibility requirements are stipulated in the current NCAA Division I Manual, and the Handbook of the Big Ten Conference as applicable.

Revised: 6/3/75
Revised: 4/6/76
Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/18/89
Revised: 1/22/91
Revised: 3/19/91
Revised: 4/23/02
Revised: 4/27/04
Revised: 10/25/05
Revised: 12/5/06
Revised: 12/7/10
Revised: 12/6/11
Revised: 4/24/12
Revised: 4/29/14
Revised: 9/9/14
Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 12/5/17
Revised: 10/23/18
Revised: 4/23/19
Revised: 3/19/24

III. Grants-in Aid

A.A student-athlete may receive from the athletic department a grant-in-aid that includes all or part of the educational expenses associated with tuition, fees, room, board, required course-related books, and cost of attendance.

B. Grants-in-aid may not be cancelled during the award period unless one of the prescribed NCAA exceptions applies.

Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 10/18/16

IV. Athletic Contests

A. A student-athlete who represents the University in an athletic contest shall be excused from class and provided with an official excuse form.

B. No student-athlete shall be allowed to represent the University in an athletic contest unless the student has been officially approved for participation.

C. A list of student-athletes expecting to participate in the contest must be submitted to the Faculty Athletics Representative at least twenty-four hours in advance of the contest.

Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/19/16

V. Athletic Schedules

A. Because it is in the academic interest of student athletes to limit the amount of missed class time due to home or away athletic competitions scheduled during academic semesters, all schedules of team and individual athletic competitions (including annual invitational meets, regional conference tournaments, and NCAA regional competitions) must be submitted to the standing committee of the Faculty Senate – Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) and the University Park Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) for compliance with specified missed class time limits (see below) and approval of planned missed class time due to scheduled regular season athletic competition.

Senate approved missed class days due to competition are considered official university excused absences.  The Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education is charged with ensuring that student athletes receive the necessary and appropriate academic accommodations for these university excused absences.  Senate Policy 42-27 – class attendance, provides directions for faculty as to their responsibility to make appropriate  accommodations when feasible.

Faculty Senate Specified Semester Missed Class Time Limits

  1. Athletic teams or individual team members may be absent from the University for no more than eight (8) class days in one semester due to regular season scheduled athletic competitions. For those teams that are submitting a competition schedule that is at or under the 8-class day maximum, a subcommittee of the IAC is authorized to approve the schedule on behalf of the IAC.  The subcommittee is comprised of the IAC Chair, IAC Vice Chair, and the University Park FAR. The number of class days missed by each Intercollegiate Athletics team shall be kept on record by the ICA, be formally reported to the FAR, and should be included annually in the FAR’s report to the IAC. For purposes of computing missed class time, the following parameters apply (i.e., the same amount of missed class time applies to all student athletes on a team, regardless of individual class schedules, and is based on the day and time when the official team excused absence begins).
  1. One full class day absence is counted if the official team absence begins prior to 12:00 pm on any day of the week (Monday-Friday) when classes are in session.
  2. One half class day absence is counted if the official team absence begins on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 12:00 pm and 2:15 p.m when classes are in session.
  3. One half class day absence is counted if the official team absence begins on a Tuesday or Thursday between 12:00 pm and 2:50 p.m when classes are in session.
  4. No absence is counted if the official team absence begins on Monday, Wednesday or Friday after 2:15 p.m when classes are in session.
  5. No absence is counted if the official team absence begins Tuesday or Thursday after 2:50 p.m when classes are in session.
  6. No absence is counted for post-season athletic competitions related to Conference (e.g., Big Ten) or NCAA. Since teams often qualify for these post-season championships, additional missed class time may result. The Morgan Academic Center, with the support of the ICA, should develop a plan to support student athletes missing class during these post-season and championship competition events.
  1. Schedules for all athletic contests scheduled during the fall semester must be submitted to the Faculty Athletic Representative no less than two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled April meeting (i.e., April prior to the fall season in question) of the IAC. In situations where Conference schedules have not been released by the Conference, that should be made known in the materials submitted to the FAR and IAC, with plans for submitting these schedule details as soon as available.
  2. Schedules for all athletic contests scheduled during the spring semester must be submitted to the FAR and IAC no less than two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled September meeting (i.e., September prior to the Spring season in question) of the IAC. In situations where Conference schedules have not been released by the Conference, that should be made known in the materials submitted to the FAR and IAC, with plans for submitting these schedule details as soon as available.
  3. Competition schedules should not be announced prior to approval from the IAC. In specific circumstances where there may be a compelling reason for ICA to make schedules public before full IAC approval, the approval of the IAC Chair and the FAR should be obtained in advance of the release to the public. ICA should refrain from making travel arrangements until missed class time is approved.
  4. Regular season, non-conference* athletic travel or competition shall not take place during the official university final exam period at the end of each semester. Final exam periods should be considered ‘off limits’ except for the most extenuating circumstances in which case a request for deviation must be made. Requests for deviation from this Faculty Senate policy requirement must be brought to the IAC from the ICA after consultation with the University Park FAR and must clearly document how many student athletes would be impacted and what the proposed remedy is for accommodating the scheduled exam(s).
  5. Regular season, non-conference* athletic travel or competition shall not take place on official university final exam study days. Requests for deviation from this Faculty Senate requirement must be brought to the IAC from the ICA after consultation with the FAR and must include a proposal for providing student athletes with sufficient time to study for exams as well as have adequate rest time prior to taking final exams.
  6. Requests for deviation from the prohibition to compete on a final exam or study day must be submitted in writing to the IAC Chair.  Any such requests for deviation (i.e., waiver requests) should be received no less than 45 days prior to the anticipated competition and must include:
    1. full rationale for the need to schedule a competition on a study day, including reasons alternate dates are not possible;
    2. actual study day hours occupied for the competition, including preparations, travel, competition, and post competition activities;
    3. current team academic performance measures including team cumulative GPA, recent semester GPA, and academic progress rate;
    4. team academic progress rate ranking as compared to Big Ten competitors and all Penn State intercollegiate athletics teams;
    5. de-identified individual Penn State student athlete cumulative GPA of those student athletes who will participate in the study day competition in question;
    6. a specific plan that replaces official university study day hours lost to the competition in question with alternative, supervised study hours;
    7. a plan to avoid future competitions on official university study days; and
    8. the number of team missed class days scheduled for the semester in question.
  7. Where a team competition schedule that has been approved by the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee must be revised due to unforeseen circumstances due to weather, travel, health, or safety or other emergent issues, then:
    1. If a team competition schedule revision results in no increase, or a decrease, beyond the approved missed class time, the Faculty Athletics Representative must be notified of the schedule change.
    2. If a team competition schedule revision results in an increase in the missed class days previously approved, but there are fewer than eight (8) missed class days in the revised schedule, the FAR must be notified of the schedule change and the impact of the change should be noted in the annual FAR report to the Faculty Senate.
    3. If a team competition schedule revision results in an increase resulting in greater than eight (8) missed class days in the revised schedule, the Faculty Athletics Representative must be notified of the schedule change and also alert the IAC Chair and the FAR must record the impact of the change in the annual FAR report to the Faculty Senate.
      * “Non-conference” means that contest arrangements, including time and date of the competition, are under the control of Penn State University and not the Big Ten, EIVA, NCAA, USCAA, or other outside governing body.
  8. Every effort must be made by Intercollegiate Athletics to avoid league (Big Ten, NCAA, etc.) scheduled contests and associated travel on university scheduled final exam days and study days. The ICA and the FAR must make sure that Conference staff are well informed of Policy 67-00 as it relates to the desire to avoid scheduled competitions during final exam periods.  Where league contests are scheduled during official university final exam periods or study days, ICA must submit a formal plan to the FAR and IAC about replacing official university study day hours lost to the competition in question with alternative, supervised study hours.

B. Team practice times must be scheduled so as to allow student-athletes flexibility in scheduling and attending classes each semester with the explicit goal of not limiting academic major options or the ability to take a required or elective class of interest. ICA should submit a master list of expected team practice times to the IAC Chair and FAR prior to February 1st for Fall/Winter sports, and September 1st for Winter/Spring sports. Every effort should be made to adjust team practice times to avoid conflict with student-athlete class schedules, and teams, coaching staffs, and student athletes are expected to comply with the NCAA rule that classes should not be missed for practice sessions. Specific ‘off limit’ team practice times are as follows:

  1. Morning team practices should conclude with sufficient time to allow 3rd period (10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) class attendance on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  2. Morning team practices should conclude with sufficient time to allow 14th period (10:35 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.) class attendance on Tuesday and Thursday.
  3. Afternoon team practices should begin sufficiently after 6th period concludes (2:15 p.m.) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to allow class attendance.
  4. Afternoon team practices should begin sufficiently after 16th period concludes (2:50 p.m.) on Tuesday and Thursday to allow class attendance.
  5. Early morning team practices (defined as commencing prior to 8:00 am) [should not be scheduled during both Fall and Spring semesters.
  6. Significant departures from the practice guidelines listed above must be discussed with and approved by the University Park Faculty Athletics Representative. The Faculty Athletics Representative will provide an annual report of cases where significant departures have occurred and will submit this to the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee of the Faculty Senate for review.

Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/28/87
Revised: 1/24/89
Revised: 3/16/10
Revised: 4/24/12
Revised: 3/12/13
Revised: 1/26/16
Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 9/13/22
Revised: 3/19/24

67-30 Division III and PSUAC – Athletic Competition (non-University Park)

I. General

A. Jurisdiction and Oversight

The University Faculty Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall have jurisdiction over all academic matters pertaining to intercollegiate athletics. The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall have oversight of the processes determining eligibility of student-athletes for practice and competition, approval of athletic schedules, and taking appropriate actions when student-athletes have not met the policies set forth in Faculty Senate Policy 67-30 (referred to as 67-30). The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall have overall responsibility for ensuring 67-30 policies are enforced. A student-athlete who has not met any of the provisions of 67-30 shall be subject to appropriate action(s).

The intent of this Faculty Senate Policy is to stipulate policy where The Pennsylvania State University has an interest in a standard of performance that exceeds that of the NCAA, Big Ten, or other associated athletic conferences.

View Current NCAA Manuals

B. Faculty Athletics Representative

To meet NCAA requirements and to assist the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee in fulfilling its responsibilities, Faculty Athletics Representatives are appointed.

  1. A Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA Division III is appointed by each of the Chancellors of the respective campus locations.
  2. Two Faculty Athletics Representatives for Penn State University Athletics Conference (PSUAC) athletics programs are appointed by the Vice-President of Commonwealth Campuses. The PSUAC FARs shall be appointed regionally, with one representing the Eastern campuses (Brandywine, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and York) and one representing the Western campuses (Beaver, DuBois, Fayette, Greater Allegheny, Mont Alto, New Kensington, and Shenango).

Authority granted to the respective Faculty Athletics Representatives is outlined in subsequent provisions of 67-30.

II. Eligibility of Athletes*

A. For student-athletes to be eligible to practice and compete they must meet certain status conditions. Conditions for eligibility for practice and eligibility for competition are certified by the applicable Division III or PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative, on behalf of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee.

B. Minimum Grade Point Average

A student-athlete is eligible to represent the University in an intercollegiate athletic contest only if the student meets the minimum cumulative grade point requirements at the beginning of the appropriate semester (in residence) as follows:

Semesters in Residence – Minimum Cumulative GPA

Semesters in residenceMinimum Cumulative GPA

A student-athlete who is deemed ineligible for not meeting the minimum cumulative grade point requirements at the beginning of the appropriate semester (in residence) may petition the Faculty Athletics Representative to have his or her eligibility re-evaluated due to a change in the academic record.

C. Enrollment Status

1. NCAA Division III

  1. Student-athletes shall be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time program of studies.
  2. A student-athlete enrolled in a two-year degree program shall be eligible only if that student-athlete was admitted to the institution under the same standards as four-year degree-seeking students and if the two-year degree program is not a terminal program.
  3. Student-athletes in their final semester may schedule fewer than the minimum requirements for full-time status if they need fewer than twelve credits to meet graduation requirements.
  4. A full-time graduate student (attained a baccalaureate degree and scheduling a minimum of nine credits), or a student enrolled in a second baccalaureate degree program at the same institution (campus), with competitive eligibility remaining, may also practice and compete.
  5. Up to 3 credits of coursework offered through World Campus may be used to establish the minimum requirements for full-time status.
  6. If a student-athlete drops below full-time status any time during the semester (except as noted above) that student will be immediately ineligible to practice or compete.
  7. Degree-seeking students in DUS with conditions, non-degree regular and non-degree conditional students are not eligible to practice or compete.

2. Penn State University Athletic Conference

  1. Only full-time students are eligible to practice and participate in intercollegiate athletic contests.
  2. Exceptions to full-time status may be made for baccalaureate and associate degree student-athletes during their final semester if they need less than twelve credits to meet graduation requirements.
  3. If a student-athlete drops below full-time status any time during the semester (except as noted above) that student will be immediately ineligible to practice or compete.

3. Student-athletes may represent the University in an intercollegiate athletic contest only if the student-athlete has acquired the designated number of credits at the beginning of the appropriate semester (in residence) as follows:

Semesters in ResidenceMinimum Number Credits Required

A student-athlete who is deemed ineligible for not meeting the designated number of credits at the beginning of the appropriate semester (in residence) may petition the Faculty Athletics Representative to have his or her eligibility re-evaluated due to a change in the academic record.

D. Other Eligibility

  1. Transfer Students

Student-athletes transferring to campus locations that compete in NCAA Division III athletics must comply with NCAA Division III transfer regulations. Student-athlete transferring to campus locations that compete in PSUAC athletics must comply with the eligibility requirements that govern the athletic contests at that location.

  1. Graduate Students

A graduate student may be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics if the student has completed a baccalaureate degree, has not exceeded the limitations on competitive eligibility, and is a full-time student in a degree program, with one exception: students who have graduated, and return to the same institution (Penn State Campus) to complete their athletics eligibility within the five-year period, may enroll as a non-degree seeking graduate student, provided the student enrolls in courses that are approved by a particular graduate program as counting toward any graduate degree.

*Detailed student-athlete eligibility requirements are stipulated in the current NCAA Division III Manual, the PSUAC Athletic Conference Policy Manual, and the applicable athletic conference manuals that governs the athletic contents in which the student athlete expects to compete.

III. Athletic Contests

A. A student-athlete who represents the University in an athletic contest shall be excused from class and provided with an official excuse form.

B. No student-athlete shall be allowed to represent the University in an athletic contest unless the student has been officially approved for participation.

C. A list of student-athletes expecting to participate in the contest must be maintained by each campus athletics department. This list is to be available for review by the appropriate Faculty Athletics Representative, the Committee on Campus Athletics, or the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, upon request.

IV. Athletic Schedules

A. All schedules of athletic competitions must be submitted to the Committee on Campus Athletics through the Faculty Athletic Representative for approval. It is the responsibility of the Committee on Campus Athletics, on behalf of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, to ensure that all athletic competition schedules are within established university regulations and policies.

  1. Schedules for all athletic contests scheduled during the fall semester must be submitted to the applicable Faculty Athletic Representative no less than two weeks prior to the first regularly scheduled fall semester meeting of the Committee on Campus Athletics.
  2. Schedules for all athletic contests scheduled during the spring semester must be submitted to the applicable Faculty Athletic Representative no less than two weeks prior to the first regularly scheduled spring semester meeting of the Committee on Campus Athletics.
  3. Regular season, non-conference* athletic travel or competition shall not take place during official university final exam periods.
  4. Regular season, non-conference* athletic travel or competition may take place on Saturday of the official University study days, with restrictions.
    Restrictions include:
    1. Competition should be a “home” scheduled competition, or
    2. If the competition is an “away” competition and involves travel, the competition must begin no later than 2:00 p.m., and the travel site must be no further than 2 hours away by bus, or other roadway transportation.
  5. Regular season, non-conference* athletic travel or competition shall not take place on Sunday of the official University study days, without exception. No waivers to this rule will be accepted for any reason.
  6. Every effort should be made by Division III and PSUAC campuses to NOT schedule any non-conference* competition during the last full week of classes to allow student athletes the opportunity to attend final classes prior to final exams.
  7. Where a team competition schedule that has been approved by the Committee on Campus Athletics must be revised due to unforeseen circumstances:
    1. If a team competition schedule revision results in no increase, or a decrease, beyond the approved schedule missed class time, the applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative must be notified of the schedule change.
    2. If a team competition schedule revision results in an increase in the missed class days previously approved, but there are fewer than eight (8) missed class days in the revised schedule, the applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative must review the schedule change.
    3. If a team competition schedule revision results in an increase resulting in greater than eight (8) missed class days in the revised schedule, the applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative will review the schedule change in collaboration with the Committee on Campus Athletics and provide a decision.
    4. The Committee on Campus Athletics and the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee must be notified of all team schedule revisions where missed class days exceed eight (8) in a summary report by the applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative.
  8. League Contests: Every effort must be made by to avoid league (applicable conference, PSUAC, NCAA, etc.) scheduled contests and associated travel on university scheduled final exam days and study days. Where league contests are scheduled during official university final exam periods or study days, campus athletics programs are strongly encouraged to replace official university study day hours lost to the competition in question with alternative, supervised study hours.

B. Where competition contracts include, or may include, competitions during official university exam periods or on Saturday of official University study days, the competition date(s) must be approved by the Committee on Campus Athletics, on behalf of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, prior to execution of the contract.

C. Athletic teams or individual team members may be absent from the University for no more than eight (8) class days in one semester. The number of class days missed by each team shall be kept on record by the Committee on Campus Athletics and each Division III and PSUAC campus athletic department and Faculty Athletics Representative. It shall be the joint responsibility of those bodies to enforce these limitations.

  1. One full class day absence is counted if student athletes are absent from classes beginning prior to 12:00 pm.
  2. One half class day absence is counted if student athletes are absent from classes beginning between 12:00 pm and 5:00 p.m.
  3. No absence is counted when student-athlete absences begin after 5:00 p.m.
  4. No absence is counted for absences due to championship competitions.

Start time to determine missed class time shall be based on the class dismissal time as stipulated on the schedule and not on the contest start time.  Dismissal time is determined by the appropriate athletic department personnel (i.e. coaches and athletic directors) in consultation with the applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative.

D. Participation in special events outside approved scheduled events by teams or individual team members must be approved by the Committee on Campus Athletics, in consultation with the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, at least ten days prior to participation. As in all events, NCAA Division III and/or other athletic conference regulations and University regulations will be followed.

E. Team practice times should be arranged so as to allow student-athletes flexibility in scheduling and attending classes each semester. If possible, team practice times should be made available prior to student-athlete class preferential scheduling for the semester affected. Every effort should be made to adjust team practice times to avoid conflict with student-athlete class schedules.

  1. Morning team practices should conclude with sufficient time to allow 1st period (8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.) class attendance on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  2. Morning team practices should conclude with sufficient time to allow 13th period (9:05 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.) class attendance on Tuesday and Thursday.
  3. Afternoon team practices should begin sufficiently after 8th period concludes (4:25 p.m.) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to allow class attendance.
  4. Afternoon team practices should begin sufficiently after 17th period concludes (4:20 p.m.) on Tuesday and Thursday to allow class attendance.
  5. Morning Team practices should not be scheduled during both Fall and Spring semesters.
  6. Significant departures from the practice guidelines listed above must be approved by the applicable Division III or PSUAC campus Athletics Director, in consultation with the campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative. The applicable campus/PSUAC Faculty Athletics Representative shall provide an annual report of cases where significant departures have occurred and submit for review by Committee on Campus Athletics

V. Delegation of Authority

A. The Division III Faculty Athletics Representatives shall perform such duties as specified by their respective campus Chancellor.

B. The PSUAC representative shall perform such duties as specified by the Vice-President of Commonwealth Campuses.

C. The Faculty Athletics Representatives shall act on behalf of their respective faculty to certify student-athlete eligibility, to monitor class absences, and to review and approve athletics schedules prior to submission to the Committee on Campus Athletics.

D. Each of the Faculty Athletics Representatives shall report a summary of their activities annually to the Committee on Campus Athletics and biennially to the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee.

Revised: 5/3/83
Revised: 5/1/84
Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 10/23/18
Revised: 4/28/2020
Revised: 11/29/2022