Article I – Rules of Procedure

Section 1

(a) The rules of procedure in the meetings of the University Faculty Senate, except as may be otherwise specified in the Senate Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules, shall be those of the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Parliamentary Code of Parliamentary Procedure (AIPSC). All motions, except as may be otherwise specified in these documents, shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast. Roll-call votes may be initiated only by the decision of the Chair or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of senators voting. The role of the Parliamentarian is advisory only.

(b) Election of officers of the Senate shall be by secret preferential ballot, the preferred candidate being designated by “1,” the next by “2,” and so on. In counting votes the Hare System of the single transferable ballot shall be used. In the event of a tie, the results of the election shall be determined by drawing lots among the tied candidates. (See The Senate Record, March 5, 1974, Vol. 7, No. 8)

(c) Each academic voting unit eligible under the provisions of Article II, Section 2, of the Bylaws shall elect its Senate Council member(s) from among its elected faculty senators.

Section 2

The order of business at each regular meeting of the Senate shall be as follows:

(a) Call to Order
(b) Reading, correcting, approving, or disposing of the minutes of the previous meeting
(c) Comments or reports of the Senate officers and invited guests
(d) Questions for the President and Provost
(e) General Discussion
(f) Unfinished Business (voteable)
(g) New Business (voteable)
(h) Informational reports (non-voteable)
(i) Comments or announcements
(j) Adjournment

The order of business may be changed by the Senate Council prior to any meeting. Any or all items in this Section may be suspended at any regular meeting of the Senate by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any special meeting by decision of the Chair.

Section 3

The Chair of the Senate may convene special meetings of the Senate, in addition to those specified in Article V or Article I, Section 2 of the Bylaws, at such times and for such purposes as the Chair deems necessary for the effective discharge of the business of the Senate.

Section 4

The order of business for any special meeting of the Senate shall be determined by the Chair of the Senate.

Section 5

The agenda and appendices shall be distributed no fewer than six days before the meeting to which they pertain, to all members of the Senate and to others as determined by the Senate Secretary.

Section 6

The Chair of the Senate shall appoint Special Committees to consider subjects not already assigned to Standing Committees of the Senate. These Special Committees shall be terminated no later than the end of the Senate year unless reappointed by the new Chair of the Senate. They shall file reports of actions taken with the Senate office for inclusion in The Senate Record.

Section 7

Six Faculty Senators will attend Board of Trustee meetings, subject to continuing invitation by the Board of Trustees. Those Senators will include the four Senate Officers and two chosen by the Senate Chair. These Senators will staff their respective Board of Trustees committee positions following the July-May Board of Trustee Committee staffing cycle. The immediate Past Chair of Faculty Senate will deliver a final Faculty Senate report to the Board of Trustees in May and the new Faculty Senate Chair will be announced and seated at the May afternoon plenary Board of Trustees meeting. Faculty Senate shall use the July Board of Trustees meeting to staff Board of Trustee committees with new Faculty Senate representatives.

Section 8 General Discussion

(a) The General Discussion in the Order of Business provides an opportunity for any senator to discuss any matter of concern to the University. To introduce items for general discussion an individual senator or a senator representing a group, such as a standing committee, must present in writing to the Chair of the Senate with a title and summary of the matter to be discussed by the end of Friday before the plenary meeting. Due to time considerations, placement on the agenda will be at the Chair’s discretion. The senator’s name will be placed on the agenda by the Chair of the Senate together with the title and summary. Items for discussion may also come from the floor if time allows at the discretion of the Chair.

Section 9

New rules for Policies and Procedures for Students, new Standing Rules of the Senate, and amendments to these rules may be acted upon only after they have been presented in writing to all senators six days before a regular meeting of the Senate, except that this section may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

Section 10

Under the direction of the Executive Director of the Senate, the Senate shall publish an official record (The Senate Record) of its proceedings within twenty-one (21) days after each meeting, and this record shall contain:

(a) agenda of the meeting;

(b) verbatim minutes of the meeting except for informational and mandated reports. An executive summary of informational and mandated reports will be included in The Senate Record unless a verbatim transcription is requested by the Chair or the Executive Director;

(c) documents distributed at the door of the meeting;

(d) such other items as the Chair shall direct.

Note: Senate meetings are digitally recorded (audio and video) and the recordings are available in the Senate office.

All Informational Reports will be made available via a link through the Senate website and archived for long-term reference. Copies of The Senate Record shall be deposited in the University Archives of the University Library.

Under the direction of the Executive Director of the Senate, the Senate office shall establish:

(a) A Senate Discussion Forum that will foster open lines of communication between senators

(b) An electronic Senate Newswire.

The Office of the University Faculty Senate shall directly communicate on Senate matters, as appropriate, with faculty governance leaders and with deans/ chancellors. The Senate office shall send pertinent documents directly to the relevant elected leaders of faculty governance units with copies to deans/ chancellors when appropriate.

Section 11

(a) The elective year of the Senate shall begin on July 1 and continue until the following June 30. The new officers’ terms shall begin on July 1.

(b) At any meeting of Senate Council, a petition may be presented to the Chair requesting that any Senate officer be removed from office for neglect of duty or misconduct in office. The petition must be signed by at least two elected Senate Council members. Senate Council after appropriate investigation and discussion shall vote whether the Senate shall be polled to consider the removal of the officer. A majority vote of the total number of elected councilors shall be required. If the Council vote is to poll the Senate, a ballot or e-mail notification of the election website will be sent to all senators allowing at least ten working days for voting. A two-thirds majority vote shall be required for removal of the officer. In the case of the removal of the Senate Chair, the Chair-Elect shall succeed immediately to the Chair. If the Chair-Elect is removed, a new election will be held using regular procedures. If the Secretary is removed, the Senate Council shall elect a replacement.

(c) The Nominating Committee of the Senate shall develop the slate of nominees for the offices of Chair-Elect and Secretary, as well as for a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee to the President. It shall also be responsible for developing the slate of nominees for the Committee on Committees and Rules. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the elected members of Senate Council and the Immediate Past Chair of the Senate, who shall chair the committee. The Chair of the Senate shall activate the Nominating Committee at least four weeks prior to the second regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester. The committee shall meet at the call of the Secretary, who shall charge the committee. The committee shall present at least two nominees for the offices of Chair-Elect and Secretary. In addition, in the event that the Chair-Elect received a vote of no-confidence or that the Secretary is serving as interim Chair-Elect, the committee shall report a slate of at least two nominees for the office of Chair. The committee shall also report a slate of at least two nominees for a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee to the President (three-year term). Nominations shall reflect the variety of disciplines, functions, and geographic locations of University units.

The Nominating Committee shall create a report with their nominations for senate officers and the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC), which will be included in the agenda for the second-to-last Senate plenary meeting. During this meeting, the Senate Chair will officially announce the nominations and open the floor for additional nominations from the Senate.

The Nominating Committee shall additionally report their nominations for the Committee on Committees and Rules to Senate Council in a prompt enough manner so that Council may meet to elect the new members by the May 1 deadline.

(d) Elections will be conducted by secret preferential ballot. Ballots or e-mail notification of the election website will be sent to all current senators at least 21 days before the date of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate.

(e) Votes shall be counted or verified by three tellers, formed from members of the Elections Commission who are not members of the Nominating Committee [see (c)]. The tellers will report the results of the election to the Executive Director of the Senate Office who will immediately inform the Senate officers, candidates, and the chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules of these results. The full Senate will be notified of the results in a timely fashion.

(f) The Elections Commission shall post a report of the results of the elections of all officers and extra-senatorial positions on the Senate website no later than May 31.

Section 12

(a) By May 1 the Senate Council shall elect five members to serve on CC&R for the following year and report the results to the Elections Commission. Appointments shall reflect the variety of disciplines, functions, and geographic locations of University units. If a committee member is no longer an elected senator at the end of the first year of the term on the committee, a vacancy shall occur in that position and a selection shall be made to fill the unexpired term.

(b) The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall convene the new membership of the Committee on Committees and Rules, as soon as is practicable in the new Senate year, where the committee will elect its chair and vice chair for that year from the elected members of the committee.

(c) The Committee on Committees and Rules shall complete selection of the roster of all committees, including Chairs and Vice Chairs, for the coming Senate year by the end of the current Senate year. The membership of each committee will be reported in writing to the Standing Committee Chairs by the beginning of the Senate year. This roster will be listed in The Senate Record for the first regular meeting of the Senate year.

(d) When a member of a Senate committee resigns before the expiration of the appointment, the Chair of that committee shall notify the Chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules of this circumstance, and the latter group shall name a replacement.

Section 13

At least six regular meetings of the Senate shall be scheduled on Tuesdays during the academic year at times and dates decided upon by Senate Council, except as provided for in Section 4 of this Article. A schedule of regular meetings and starting times for the following academic year will be presented to the Senate at the last meeting of each academic year. The Senate Council may change the time or date of a meeting by notifying all senators in writing at least ten days before the earlier of either the originally scheduled or rescheduled dates.

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Article II – Senate Committee Structure

Section 1

The Chair of the Senate as an ex officio member of all Standing Committees may authorize the Chair-Elect, the Secretary, the Immediate Past Chair, or any elected member of the Senate Council to be a representative at meetings of any committee.

Section 2

All Standing Committees may add to their membership (consistent with the distribution requirement imposed by the Constitution, and with the approval of the Committee on Committees and Rules) nonvoting resource personnel on the basis of their position, interest, expertise, or membership in a particular sector of the University community. Committees may add resource personnel on either a continuing or an ad hoc basis depending on the issues before the committee.

All Standing Committees are encouraged to invite individuals to render testimony or advice on particular questions as circumstances indicate. They are also encouraged to appoint ad hoc subcommittees as needed. The Chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules is to be notified of the charge and personnel of all ad hoc subcommittees at the time of their formation. These ad hoc subcommittees shall be terminated no later than the end of the Senate year unless reappointed by the new Standing Committee. Their reports, if any, are an internal responsibility of the parent Standing Committee. All Standing Committees shall file reports of their actions with the Senate office for inclusion in The Senate Record.

Most standing committee duties include liaison with other University bodies. Liaison implies information sharing. Membership on other bodies is pre-scribed by the appointing authority. The Chair of the Senate has full authority to decide which Committee has responsibility for considering and proposing legislation and/or consultation on any item which may overlap the responsibilities of more than one Committee. Committees may speak on behalf of the Senate on items specifically delegated in their charge in the Standing Rules.

Section 3

Elected members of the Committee on Committees and Rules of the Senate may not serve as members of [other] Standing Committees of the Senate except in such ex officio capacities as may now or in the future be designated. This restriction on committee membership may be suspended on an individual basis by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a regular or special meeting.

Section 4

All Senate committees will be available for consultation with the Office of the President of the University.

Section 5

Senate Committees:

(a) Committee on Committees and Rules

1. Membership:

(i) Ten (10) elected faculty senators

(ii) Chair-Elect of the Senate (non-voting)

(iii) Immediate Past Chair of the Senate (non-voting)

(iv) Secretary of the Senate (non-voting)

(v)  The Senate Parliamentarian (non-voting)

2. Election: By the Senate Council for a term of two years. Elected members of Senate Council may not serve on the Committee on Committees and Rules.


3. Duties: The Committee on Committees and Rules shall review and make recommendations on the Senate’s committee structure. In this role, the committee shall strive to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all its activities. It shall appoint the members of all Standing Committees. It shall be responsible for proposing changes in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules of the University Faculty Senate for action by the Senate. This committee shall serve as a Nominating Committee to the administrative officers of the University in the selection of University faculty to serve on University-wide committees. In addition, this committee has the investigative function in determining the constitutionality of acts of the Senate, failures to implement Senate legislation, problems resulting from conflicting legislation, and errors in the implementation of legislation. The Committee on Committees and Rules shall have the authority to interpret the Senate Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules subject to review by the Senate. The committee shall be advisory to the Senate Officers.

Each year the Committee on Committees and Rules shall ask returning and new senators to rank their preferences for committee assignments. The Committee on Committees and Rules will then select the senatorial members of each Standing Committee, taking into consideration the preferences of senators. Where a representative of an administrative office is to be an ex officio member of a committee, this member will be selected by the Committee on Committees and Rules in consultation with the appropriate administrative officer. Appointments to all committees should reflect the variety of disciplines, functions, and geographic locations of University units. Annually, the Committee on Committees and Rules shall elect its own Chair and Vice Chair. In consultation with the Senate Chair, the Committee shall designate the leadership of all other Standing Committees of the Senate.

While the Senate officers are the primary faculty representatives to the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the Committee on Committees and Rules shall be informed and consulted on faculty governance issues that arise in the CIC. Such items will be periodically reported to the Senate.

  1. Subcommittees
  1. Constitution Subcommittee: The subcommittee shall consult with faculty governance organizations to ensure that their governance documents conform with Senate rules. These functions include review of Unit Constitutions, Bylaws, and Standing Rules. The subcommittee will consist of the Senate Parliamentarian and at least two elected Senators appointed by the Senate Chair and will be chaired by the Senate Secretary. Final vote of approval of the unit governance documents shall be by Senate Council.
  2. Elections Commission Subcommittee: The subcommittee will have at least three members, including the chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules and the Senate Parliamentarian and will be chaired by the Senate Secretary. Membership of this subcommittee should not overlap with the Nominating Committees. The subcommittee shall have responsibility over the Senate Census and responsibility over all Senate run elections.
  1. Mandated reports: Nomination report. The Committee on Committees and Rules shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(b) Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid

1. Membership:

(i) At least ten elected faculty senators

(ii) At least two undergraduate student senators

(iii) Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Education and Executive Director for Undergraduate Admissions

(iv) Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Education and University Registrar

(v) Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Education and Executive Director for Student Aid

(vi) Assistant Vice President, Executive Director for Academic Services and Assessment

(vii) Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services

(viii) Member of the academic advising community appointed by the Associate Dean for Advising

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid shall initiate legislation relating to academic admissions and readmission standards for the Senate Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Students. With a focus on equity and inclusion, it shall make recommendations on policies concerning the effect that Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid procedures have on the attainment of the University’s overall educational objectives. Analyses for disparate impact should be conducted for overall functional assessment (e.g., how do scheduling processes impact students with minoritized identities [dis/abilities, BIPOC, first generation]?) as well as for any recommended policy changes. It shall be the University Faculty Senate advisory body to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education and it shall maintain liaison with other University officials in these areas. It shall be concerned with policies involving student awards, scholarships, and student aid. It shall have the authority to act on individual problems of reinstatement and certification of credit referred to it by the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education.

4. Standing Subcommittee on Articulation

The ARSSA Articulation Review Subcommittee membership shall include two faculty from ARSSA, including the Vice Chair of ARSSA, who serves as chair, in addition to five other representatives: one from the Undergraduate Admissions Office, one from the Office of Student Aid, one from the Office of the University Registrar, one from the Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, and one from the Office of Penn State Global. The committee may call upon the articulation agreement proposer for consultation on any given proposal. The University Faculty Senate Office (Senate Office) shall facilitate composition by requesting those offices to identify representatives.

The subcommittee shall review articulation agreements to ensure they adhere to the current University policies.

5. Mandated reports:

a. Reserved Spaces Report
b. Faculty Senate Scholarship Report
c. High School Students Enrolled in Nondegree Credits
d. Articulation Agreement Report based on five-year review

The Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(c) Committee on Curricular Affairs

1. Membership:

(i) At least 17 elected faculty senators including one faculty senator from each college at University Park and one faculty senator from each of Abington, Altoona, Berks, Erie, Harrisburg, and the University College.

(ii) One undergraduate student senator

(iii) A member of the Administrative Council on Undergraduate Education (selected by ACUE)

(iv) Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications or representative

(v) Chair of the Graduate Council Committee on Programs and Courses

(vi) A representative from the Office of the University Registrar

(vii) A representative from the Division of Undergraduate Studies

(vii) A representative from the Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research

(ix) A representative from the Office of Undergraduate Education

(x) A representative from the Office for General Education

2. Selection: Committee members shall be selected by the Committee on Committees and Rules. One Chair and two Vice Chairs shall be chosen from the elected faculty senate members.


3. Duties: The Committee on Curricular Affairs shall review, evaluate, and approve or reject all course and curriculum proposals including proposals to limit program enrollment submitted by the various departments, colleges, and other appropriate units of the University that have not received delegation or responsibility in this area from the Senate. With regard to program enrollment limitations, restrictions proposed for academic reasons are subject to approval or rejection while restrictions proposed for resource restraints are subject only to consultative review. The Committee shall study the existing courses and curricula of the University with reference to the needs of students; enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion; and opportunities for service to the Commonwealth and make recommendations for changes where appropriate. It shall develop equity-minded criteria for evaluating courses and curricula and recommend procedures for handling courses and curriculum proposals. It shall have oversight of the following subcommittees: Bachelors of Arts, Certificates, General Education, Integrative Studies, Retention and Transfer, United States and International Cultures, and Writing. It shall disperse vice chair duties such that one vice chair shall oversee General Education efforts including serving as subcommittee chair for General Education and Integrative Studies subcommittees, and one vice chair shall support all general business of the committee and shall oversee at least two remaining subcommittees. It shall make recommendations to Senate Council on the establishment, reorganization, naming or discontinuation of organizational units pursuant to Council duties specified in Article II, Section 1 (d) of the Bylaws. It shall maintain such liaison with University administration and faculty as may be necessary for the implementation of these procedures.

  1. Standing Subcommittees:

All subcommittees shall for their activities consider with earnest the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

(i) General Education Subcommittee
It shall consist of nine members to monitor the General Education Program and make recommendations for assuring the delivery of effective general education as mandated in the General Education legislation. The subcommittee shall be led by the vice chair of SCCA; its membership shall be such that the subcommittee has at least one member with expertise in each of the General Education Categories (GWS, GQ, GA, GH, GN, GS and GHW). An effort should be made to include at least one member from a non-University Park location, but with disciplinary expertise remaining the primary consideration. When the subcommittee’s workload is especially intense, the chair of SCCA may appoint additional members, drawn from SCCA or other Senate committees.  The subcommittee shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Integrative Studies requirement in the undergraduate curriculum. It shall periodically review and revise, as necessary, guidelines for courses intended to fulfill this requirement. It shall also accept and review proposals for integrative coursework year-round and forward recommendations to the Committee. (See Appendix “B,” 4-28-15.) The Subcommittee shall review all General Education course proposals (except as provided below for the United States and International Cultures & Writing Subcommittees) and forward recommendations to the Committee. It shall also develop, revise, and edit official University publications that provide information about General Education. (See Appendix “H,” 1-23-90.)

(ii) United States and International Cultures Subcommittee
It shall be led by a person as appointed by the chair of SCCA and consist of ten members and shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the United States cultures and International Cultures requirement in the undergraduate curriculum. It shall periodically review and revise, as necessary, guidelines for courses intended to fulfill this requirement. It shall also review proposals for courses under this requirement and forward recommendations to the Committee. (See Appendix II, 12-4-90 and III, 4-27-04.)

(iii) Writing Subcommittee
It shall be led by a person as appointed by the chair of SCCA and consist of ten members and shall be responsible for overseeing and reviewing, as necessary, the implementation of Writing Across the Curriculum in the undergraduate curriculum. It shall periodically review and revise, as necessary, guidelines for writing-intensive courses. It shall also review all writing-intensive course proposals and forward recommendations to the Committee. (See Appendix “E” 3-20-90.)

(iv) Bachelor of Arts Requirements Subcommittee
It shall be led by a person as appointed by the chair of SCCA and consist of eleven members including a faculty member from each college that offers the BA degree (Abington, Altoona, Arts and Architecture, Berks, Communications, Earth and Mineral Sciences, Erie, Harrisburg, Liberal Arts, Science, and University College). It shall review BA course proposals and monitor and review all BA requirements and it shall consider recommendations for changes in these requirements. These recommendations shall be reported to the Committee and, if approved, shall be forwarded to the Senate for vote. (See Appendix II, 4-13-93 and E, 10-26-04.)

(v) Retention and Transfer Subcommittee
It shall be led by a person as appointed by the chair of SCCA and consist of five members to review, make recommendations and monitor all holds on student admissions to programs and special or more restrictive academic requirements for entrance into a college, major or minor, and/or for retention in a program, consistent with general academic guidelines established by the Committee on Education. (See Appendix “E,” 10-26-93.)

(vi) Certificates Subcommittee
It shall be led by a person as appointed by the chair of SCCA and consist of at least five members to review and make recommendations about certificate programs. It shall periodically review and revise, as necessary, guidelines for undergraduate credit certificates. It shall also monitor recertification of certificates at the 5-year expiration and review extension requests. (See Appendix “E” 3-15-16)

5. Mandated reports: Senate Curriculum Report. The Committee on Curricular Affairs shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall continue to send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(d) Committee on Education

1. Membership:

(i) At least sixteen elected faculty senators, at least one of which must be graduate faculty

(ii) Two undergraduate student senators

(III) One graduate student senator

(iv) Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, University Park Undergraduate Association

(v) Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education or their designee

(vi) Executive Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies or their designee

(vii) Dean of the Schreyer Honors College or their designee

(viii) Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School or their designee

(ix) Dean of the College of Medicine or their designee

(x) Dean of Dickinson Law School or their designee

(xi) Dean of Penn State Law or their designee

(xii) Vice Provost for Online Education or their designee

(xiii) Senate representative to the Graduate Council

(xiv) Vice President for the Commonwealth Campuses or their designee

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Education shall make recommendations on policies relating to academic advising and instruction offered for credit by all delivery systems including Resident Instruction, Hybrid Instruction, Online Instruction, Continuing Education, and Independent Learning. The committee will promote policies that will enable equity, diversity, and inclusion in educational opportunities and outcomes for all students and attempt to address issues of inequity with respect to degree attainment. Furthermore, the Committee oversees activities related to advising. The Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the University Faculty Senate on matters that may affect the attainment of the University’s educational mission. It shall be the Senate’s review body for the academic standards in all areas of education including all proficiency and placement tests offered by the University. It shall make recommendations to Senate Council on the establishment, reorganization, naming or discontinuation of organizational units and areas of the University’s educational mission. The committee shall maintain liaison with other Senate Committees (including, but not limited to, ARSSA, Curricular Affairs, the Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology Committee, and Student Life). Liaison will also be maintained with the Faculty Advisory Committee for the Schreyer Honors College, the Undergraduate Advising Council, and the University Academic Measures Committee. It shall be the University Faculty Senate advisory body to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education, the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School, the Deans of the Penn State College of Medicine, Dickinson Law, and Penn State Law.

4. Standing Subcommittees: The membership of the subcommittees shall include at least five members and shall be designated by the Education Committee with a majority of the members of the subcommittees also holding membership on the parent committee.

(i) Subcommittee on Undergraduate Petition Review
The subcommittee, chaired by the Vice Chair of the parent committee, and including appropriate resource personnel, shall have responsibility for the Academic Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Students (except for Academic Admissions Policy) as related to petitions. Unless otherwise specified in the Policies, the subcommittee shall serve as the final review board for petitions for exceptions to the Policies. When a pattern emerges from petition reviews, the subcommittee will make recommendations to the administration for changes in policy implementation or to the committee for potential changes in policy to address systemic issues of inequity.

(ii) Subcommittee on Academic Policy Review
The subcommittee shall make equity-minded recommendations to the parent committee for transmittal to the Senate for changes in educational policies.

5. Mandated reports: none. The Committee on Education shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(e) Committee on Educational Equity and Campus Environment

1. Membership:

(i) At least seven elected faculty senators with at least two senators from locations other than University Park

(ii) One undergraduate student senator

(iii) One graduate student senator

(iv) One representative from each of the following Commissions (selected by each Commission):

(a) Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity

(b) Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity

(c) Commission for Women

(v) Vice Provost for Educational Equity

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Educational Equity and Campus Environment will recommend policy and advise the University on educational equity, inclusion, diversity, and sustainability, as related to educational equity in the campus environment across the entire University at all of its campuses. The Committee will initiate explorations and investigations to enhance and encourage the integration of principles of equity throughout Senate deliberations.

The purview of the Committee shall include all matters as they relate to equity and diversity. It shall also be the Senate advisory board to the Vice Provost of Educational Equity.

4. Mandated reports: The Committee shall report to the Senate at least annually. The Committee on Educational Equity and Campus Environment shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(f) Committee on Faculty Affairs

1. Membership:

(i) At least 23 elected faculty senators including

(a) at least one faculty senator from each college at University Park and one faculty senator from each of the following: Abington; Altoona; Berks; Dickinson Law; Penn State Law; Erie; Great Valley; Harrisburg; University Libraries; Medicine; and University College; and

(b) At least three faculty senators who hold a non-tenure-line appointment.

(ii) A representative of the Office of the President

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Faculty Affairs shall advise the Senate on matters of policy concerning faculty affairs; on matters regarding the cultural, social, and material welfare of the faculty; and on matters affecting the educational environment in which the faculty works. In these roles, the committee shall strive to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all its activities. Among the policy matters of concern to the Committee on Faculty Affairs are the following:

(a) faculty appointments

(b) policies on promotions in rank

(c) tenure

(d) policies on leaves including sabbatical leaves

(e) academic freedom

(f) rights and responsibilities including due process

(g) matters of faculty privacy

(h) affirmative action and equal opportunity

(i) faculty development

(j) faculty/student assessment outcomes issues.

(k) issues that concern all faculty irrespective of the character of their appointment.

In the area of its concern, the Committee on Faculty Affairs shall make equitable recommendations for the modification of existing policies and shall assist the University administration in the formulation of new policies. It shall make recommendations to Senate Council on the establishment, reorganization, naming or discontinuation of organizational units pursuant to Council duties specified in Article II, Section 1 (d) of the Bylaws. It shall maintain liaison with the Equal Opportunity Planning Committee.

4. Standing Subcommittees: Each standing subcommittee shall consist of at least five members, all designated by the Committee, with a majority of the members also holding membership on the Committee. One non-tenure-line faculty member will be appointed to each subcommittee. In the roles listed below, the subcommittees shall strive to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all its activities. Additional duties may be assigned.

(i) Subcommittee on Promotion, Tenure, Appointments and Leaves
It shall monitor all proposed changes in policy and provide appropriate recommendations to the Committee. It shall monitor and suggest policies in all areas of faculty evaluation.

(ii) Subcommittee on Faculty Development
It shall promote the personal development of all faculty members by making recommendations concerning policies and practices related to scholarly progress, enhancement of teaching, new pedagogical initiatives, equity-minded pedagogy, and mechanisms for supporting change or regeneration of professional interest. It shall have special responsibility to ensure that expectations and resources are equitable and  consistent. It shall coordinate its recommendations with other subcommittees and groups, as appropriate.

(iii) Subcommittee on Faculty Rights and Privacy Issues
It shall monitor and suggest policies to the Committee on matters of faculty rights and responsibilities and faculty privacy including copyright issues and disciplinary matters.

5. Mandated reports: Tenure Flow Report (Informational, jointly with Committee on Intra-University Relations). The Committee on Faculty Affairs shall have the authority to approve the Tenure Flow Report for publication to the Senate Agenda. Co-sponsor a Promotion Flow Report (Informational, jointly with Committee on Intra-University Relations). Where possible, data included in the aforementioned mandated reports should be disaggregated by gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other categories of concern. The Committee on Faculty Affairs shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(g) Committee on Faculty Benefits

1. Membership:

(i) At least seven elected faculty senators

(ii) Vice President for Human Resources

(iii) Two additional resource members from the Office of Human Resources

(iv) One retired faculty senator

(v) One representative from the Health Care Advisory Committee (HCAC)

(vi) Diversity, equity and inclusion resource person from Penn State’s Office of Human Resources, Office of Educational Equity, or other entities

(vii) One representative from the University Staff Advisory Council

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Faculty Benefits shall investigate and be the faculty’s voice on the adequacy and other attributes of the University’s provisions for total compensation (salaries and benefits), and any other perquisites affecting faculty employment. This “voice” should be inclusive and address the specific benefits needs of faculty in minoritized groups. It shall maintain liaison with the Health Care Advisory Committee (HCAC).

4. Mandated reports:

a. Faculty Salary Report (Informational) Where possible, this data should be disaggregated by gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other categories of concern.
b. Sponsor annual report each October, regarding the University Benefits reviewed by the committee in the prior year (Informational)
c. Childcare Report (Informational) Where possible, the report should evaluate how childcare provision at the PSU centers supports the university’s DEI initiatives. Such analysis should include, but not be limited to: 1) A summary of the childcare centers’ student population by gender, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status; 2) A summary of the childcare centers’ teaching and support staff by gender, race, and ethnicity; 3) a review of how provision of childcare at the campus centers aids in the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, students, and staff at the University.

The Committee shall report to and make recommendations to the Senate at least annually. The Committee on Faculty Benefits shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(h) Committee on Global Engagement

1. Membership:

(i) At least seven elected faculty senators with at least two senators from locations other than University Park

(ii) A representative of Graduate Council

(iii) One undergraduate student senator

(iv) One graduate student

(v) The Vice Provost for Penn State Global

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Global Engagement shall provide advice and consultation to the Vice Provost for Penn State Global about the implementation of activities, standards, and programs to enhance the inclusive internationalization of Penn State’s undergraduate and graduate education, research, campus environment, and student affairs. It shall be the Senate advisory body to the Vice Provost for Penn State Global. The committee will provide guidelines and develop policies that are relevant to the academic integrity of content, delivery, and support of programs associated with Penn State Global. It shall provide consultation on the affiliation and partnerships of the University with institutions and organizations outside the United States. The committee shall provide advice and consultation emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion to support international and exchange students at Penn State. It will also participate in tracking progress in achieving the strategic goals of Penn State Global and the University for inclusively internationalizing the students and academic programs. The committee shall also maintain liaisons with other Senate committees, where appropriate, as well as with students and faculty, University-wide through the Senate.

4. Mandated Reports: The committee shall report annually to the Senate on the participation of Penn State students in global programs, both on campus and abroad, and other University-wide global initiatives related to the University’s strategic goals. This report should disaggregate participation by some combination of race and ethnicity, gender identity, dis/ability status, sexual identity or orientation, and country of citizenship, at minimum. Additionally, this annual report should include retention and graduation statistics of international and domestic students (similarly disaggregated). The Committee on Global Engagement shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(i) Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

1. Membership:

(i) At least eight elected faculty senators with the following qualifications:

(a) Senator appointments on the committee will be a minimum of two years, unless impractical due to a need to balance committee membership or a senator being unable to fulfill the duties of their elected term, and

(b) the committee chair will be required to have at least one year of prior experience on the committee, and will be appointed to a two-year term, as applicable given the remaining length of the senator’s term.

(c) At least two of the eight elected faculty senators must be from a location other than University Park. One of these two elected faculty senators must be from a campus with a varsity athletic program participating in NCAA Division III or PSUAC and will also serve as the chair of the extra-senatorial Committee on Campus Athletics.

(ii) Two undergraduate student senators, one from University Park and one from a location other than University Park. The student from a location other than University Park will also serve on the extra-senatorial Committee on Campus Athletics.

(iii) The University Park, Division I, Faculty Athletics Representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association

(iv) Director of Intercollegiate Athletics at University Park

(v) Senior Women’s Administrator for Intercollegiate Athletics at University Park

(vi) Two members of the University Faculty Senate selected by the President of the University.

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules unless otherwise specified


1. Jurisdiction: The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics is responsible to the Senate for all intercollegiate athletic programs at the University as they relate to the University’s academic and educational objectives. In this role, the committee shall strive to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all its activities. Intercollegiate athletics shall include all teams and individuals representing the University with significant off-University activity.

(a) Scope: Without limiting the jurisdiction of the Committee, it shall, specifically (1) consider policies on eligibility of students for intercollegiate athletics, (2) certify the academic eligibility of students for athletic grants-in-aid, (3) approve intercollegiate athletic schedules as they affect academic standards, (4) review and approve matters from the Committee on Campus Athletics as required, and (5) help promote a sound academic climate for the intercollegiate athletic programs at all University locations.

(b) Consultation: The Committee shall meet with responsible administrators and others concerning the intercollegiate athletic programs at University Park and other University locations that offer intercollegiate competition. It shall make a particular effort to seek the views of students participating in these intercollegiate athletic programs.

(c) Advisory role: Subject to the Constitution and rules of the Senate, and in consultation with the Senate Chair, the committee may also serve as the representative of the Senate to advise the President of the University on the operation of the intercollegiate programs at University Park and other University locations that offer intercollegiate competition. Subject to the general authority of the President of the University, as delegated by the University Board of Trustees and to the delegated authority of the Senate under its constitution to manage its own governance where matters considered touch on Senate jurisdiction, it shall initiate new policies, or review existing policies, which govern these intercollegiate athletic programs. These policies shall guide the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and administrators at other University locations that offer intercollegiate competition in administering their respective programs when approved in accordance with applicable rules. With appropriate consultation, it shall develop recommendations to the President of the University on matters affecting the Penn State University Athletic Conference (PSUAC), the Big Ten Conference, the NCAA, and other national athletic governance bodies in which the University holds membership and shall work closely with the faculty representatives in establishing the University’s formal vote to these organizations. Without otherwise limiting the Senate’s general forensic and related authority, and at the request of the President of the University to the Senate Chair, the committee may consider other issues affecting the various athletic programs under the President’s jurisdiction.

2. Mandated reports: The Committee shall report on its activities to the Senate at least annually. The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. Where possible, this data should be disaggregated by gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other categories of concern. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

3. Meetings: At the discretion of the committee chair, committee meetings or votes – in person or remotely – may be announced over the summer as necessary to respond to time-sensitive Intercollegiate Athletics issues requiring the full attention of the committee. With the understanding that many senators are on nine-month appointments, participation in such meetings is voluntary and the chair shall use discretion to limit such meetings to those that require time sensitive decisions/input.

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(j) Committee on Intra-University Relations

1. Membership:

(i) At least 16 elected faculty senators including

(a) One faculty senator each from Abington, Altoona, Berks, Erie, Harrisburg, Law, and Medicine; four faculty senators from the University College, and five faculty senators from different colleges at University Park; and

(b) At least two faculty senators who hold a non-tenure-line appointment.

(ii) Two student senators (including one from a campus other than University Park)

(ii) A member of the Administrative Council on Undergraduate Education (selected by ACUE)

(iv) A representative of the Graduate Council Committee on Programs and Courses

(v) A representative well versed in diversity, equity and inclusion from the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Educational Equity, or another appropriate entity from within the University

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Intra-University Relations shall make recommendations to the Senate on policies and procedures of an inter-campus nature or concerning the relation of one or more campuses to other units of the University. In consultation with the appropriate college(s) it shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations on issues pertaining to the University which cut across disciplinary and geographic lines while striving to address diversity, equity, and inclusion consistently across University-wide interests. In this context it shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations on issues concerning all faculty irrespective of the character of their appointment.

4. Standing Subcommittees: The membership of the standing subcommittee shall consist of at least five members, all designated by the parent committee, with a majority of the members also holding membership on the parent committee. Additional duties may be assigned.

(i) Subcommittee on Non-Tenure-Line Faculty
It shall be responsible for considering all matters related to and issues of concern for non-tenure-line faculty. It shall be responsible for submitting an annual report to Intra-University Relations, copied to Faculty Affairs, on the status of non-tenure-line faculty across the University. The chair, or one of two co-chairs, shall hold appointment as non-tenure-line faculty.

5. Mandated reports: Promotion Flow Report (Informational, jointly with Committee on Faculty Affairs). The Committee on Intra-University Relations shall have the authority to approve the Promotion Flow Report for publication to the Senate Agenda. Co-sponsor a Tenure Flow Report (Informational, jointly with Committee on Faculty Affairs). Where possible, data included in the aforementioned mandated reports should be disaggregated by gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other categories of concern. The Committee on Intra-University Relations shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(k) Committee on Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology

1. Membership:

(i) At least eight elected faculty senators

(ii) One undergraduate student senator

(iii) One graduate student

(iv) Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications

(v) Vice President for Information Technology

(vi) Representative of the Pennsylvania State University Press

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology shall advise the Senate and University administration on strategic issues involving the University Libraries and information technology. These include such areas as: the use of information technology and University Libraries to support research, instruction and education; information security, access, retrieval and content stewardship; telecommunication and knowledge dissemination; library access and information technology training; collections and administrative issues; and open access and scholarly communication issues.

It shall ensure an active faculty role in considering policies affecting the University Libraries and information systems, and supporting infrastructure. It shall carry on studies, surveys, and advisory activities either on request or under its own initiative. All such activities shall embed and address issues particular to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The committee will promote library and technology resources and services that meet the needs of all Penn State populations, including traditionally under-served populations. It will also champion an inclusive and accessible environment for all Penn State students, faculty, and staff by supporting the ongoing efforts of University Libraries and Penn State Information Technology. It shall prepare one informational or advisory/consultative report per year on a topic relating to sustainability broadly defined within the Libraries or Department of Information Technology.  It shall be the Senate advisory body to the Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications and to the Vice President for Information Technology. One member of the committee shall serve on the Penn State Press Editorial Committee. It shall also maintain liaisons with other Senate committees, where appropriate, as well as with students and faculty University-wide through the Senate.

4. Mandated reports: The Committee shall report biennially on the use of the Technology Fee that is charged to all students for the fiscal year ending June 30. The Committee on Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(l) Committee on Outreach

1. Membership:

(i) At least nine elected faculty senators

(ii) One student senator

(iii) Vice President for Outreach or their designee

(iv) Director of Penn State Extension

(V) A representative from the Office of the Vice President for the Commonwealth Campuses, designated with statewide responsibility for continuing education and outreach activities

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Outreach recommends policy and advises the University on outreach activities. Outreach is the exchange of information and the creation of meaningful collaborations between the University and its many external audiences. Responsibilities for the Outreach committee include: identifying University outreach activities, establishing evaluation methods to ensure quality, and creating recognition measures to reward outstanding performance. Its responsibilities focus on the University’s outreach and public scholarship mission as realized through community engagement, transdisciplinary research, credit and noncredit instruction, service through continuing and online education, cooperative extension, public broadcasting, and other programs beyond the sphere of resident education. These outreach activities are located in Penn State Outreach and Online Education, Penn State Extension, and in Penn State colleges, interdisciplinary institutes (such as the Sustainability Institute), and the Commonwealth Campuses. Penn State seeks to intentionally embed, prioritize, and demonstrate a commitment to values, goals, and principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in its Outreach programming, communication strategy, messaging, imagery, and framing, whether programs emerge from external stakeholders or internally. Quality evaluation will include the effectiveness of DEI. Outstanding performance in DEI will be recognized. The Committee on Outreach liaises with the Senate Committee on Education, the bodies that are addressing engaged scholarship and other bodies as appropriate.

4. Mandated reports: none. The Committee on Outreach shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(m) Committee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity

1. Membership:

(i) At least ten elected faculty senators

(ii) One graduate student senator

(ii) One undergraduate student senator

(iv) Six members of the Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Research including the Committee Chair

(v) Vice President for Research

(vi) Vice Provost for Graduate Education/Dean of the Graduate School or their designee

(vii) Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs or their designee*

(viii) Director of Technology Management or their designee*

(ix) Director of Research Protections or their designee*

(x) Representative from Undergraduate Education responsible for undergraduate research*

(xi) Chief Sustainability Officer or designee from the Sustainability Institute*

(xii) Associate Dean for Graduate Educational Equity or their designee from the Council of             College Multicultural Leadership*

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules. Members from the Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Research will be chosen in consultation with the Graduate Council.


3. Duties: The Committee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity is charged with fostering and promoting the creation of new knowledge by faculty and students in all disciplines across the Penn State campuses, as well as with facilitating interdisciplinary and intercampus collaboration in this regard. It shall be the Senate advisory body to the Senior Vice President for Research and to the Vice Provost for Graduate Education/Dean of the Graduate School. In the realm of graduate research, scholarship, and creative activity it works closely with the Graduate Council Committee on Research (whose chair and members serve on the Committee) to achieve common aims and shared objectives. Within the advisory and consultative functions of the Senate, it shall advise and consult on all matters involving research policies and services, as well as on issues relating to intellectual property and technology transfer. In conjunction with the Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology Committee, it shall ensure an active faculty role in the formulation of all research computing and information systems policies as they affect faculty and students. The committee will work affirmatively to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within the University’s research scholarship, and creative activity enterprises. In collaboration with the University Planning Committee, it advises and consults on matters related to facilities, including sustainability and administration costs. It shall make recommendations to Senate Council on the establishment, reorganization, naming or discontinuation of organized research units and institutes. It will maintain a formal liaison with the University Research Council and its chair shall serve as a member of that body.

4. Mandated reports:

a. Biennial Summary of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity on Sustainability

b. Biennial Summary of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity on Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The Committee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

5. Liaison with other Senate, Administrative, Special, or Joint Committees:

One member of the committee shall serve on the Penn State Press Editorial Committee. The chair shall serve on the University Research Council and act as the committee’s liaison to that body.

*nonvoting resource person for the committee

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(n) Committee on Student Life

1. Membership:

(i) At least seven elected faculty senators

(ii) Two graduate students, at least one a senator

(iii) One undergraduate student senator from a location other than University Park

(iv) President of the University Park Undergraduate Association

(v) Vice President of the University Park Undergraduate Association

(vi) Vice President for Student Affairs

(vii) The Executive Director or another student representative from the Council of Sustainable Leaders

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on Student Life shall be concerned with policies involving those aspects of student life on the University campuses that are of concern to students, both graduate and undergraduate, and that are not specifically covered in other committees. In this role, the committee shall strive to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all its activities. The purview of the Committee shall include but not be limited to student housing, health, conduct, organizations, extracurricular activities, sustainability, and career development and placement. The committee shall be a principal agency to the Senate for representation of student opinion on academic matters in the Senate, and to this end it shall be a point of entry for student proposals. It shall maintain liaison with the elected officers of the students as appropriately organized and with the appropriate University offices. It shall be the Senate advisory body to the Vice President for Student Affairs. It shall maintain awareness of current trends and long-range studies in student life. It shall maintain liaison with all student organization committees and boards as appropriate.

4. Mandated reports: none. The Council of Sustainable Leaders may send an annual summary of student sustainability efforts to the Student Life Committee. The Student Life Committee shall share this report with the Senate via either a presentation or as supplemental material.

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(o) Committee on University Planning

1. Membership:

(i) At least twelve elected faculty senators

(ii) One undergraduate student senator

(ii) One graduate student senator

(iv) Executive Vice President/Provost of the University or representative

(v) Senior Vice President for Finance and Business/Treasurer

(vi) Senior Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

(vii) Chief Sustainability Officer or designee from the Sustainability Institute

2. Selection: By the Committee on Committees and Rules


3. Duties: The Committee on University Planning solely and in consultation with other committees, shall report on and/or propose action on matters of University planning that affect development and alumni relations, physical plant resources, and the academic and financial policies of the University. In accordance with the Constitutional advisory and consultative roles of the Senate, specific areas of responsibilities include but are not limited to: the allocation of resources among units and functions as they relate to educational policy; academic planning, strategic planning, development planning, and campus and physical planning including sustainability, safety and security of persons, buildings, and other facilities. The committee shall be the primary Senate body advisory to the Office of the President, including the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business/Treasurer, Senior Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, and the Executive Vice President/Provost, for all planning functions; and shall review those functions of the University that contribute to the planning processes. The committee shall participate in the development and review of the master plans for each of the University’s campuses and be consulted regularly in regards to proposed changes to those plans. The Committee will ensure that within all these activities, the promotion and advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion is prioritized.  In addition, this committee shall assist in creating an understanding of the University’s planning functions among all units within the University. The committee shall have access to all information necessary to perform their charge.

4. Mandated reports:

a. Annual Construction Report
b. Biennial Space Allocation and Utilization Report
c. Annual University Budget and Planning Report
d. Biennial Development and Alumni Relations Report
e. Triennial Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System Report

The Committee on University Planning shall have the authority to approve its mandated Informational Reports for publication to the Senate Agenda. The committee shall send its Informational Reports to the Senate Council.

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(p) Elected Senator Standing Committee
  1. Membership:
    1. All Elected Senators
  2. Duties:
    1. To provide a mechanism for elected membership of the University Faculty Senate to frankly discuss and deliberate concerns, issues, and strategies related specifically to their remit, which could then be brought to the whole body for a wider and more substantive discussion. The Elected Member Standing Committee will be chaired by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, who may appoint a vice-chair of their own choosing.

It will serve only an advisory and informational function to the whole of the Senate and as such will have no authority to draft legislative reports or advisory consultative reports.

However, it can consult or advise other standing committees or Senate Council, who in turn can perform those functions if they so desire as their current duties might allow. Yet, the Elected Senator Standing Committee would have the authority to create informational or positional reports commensurate with its duties, on which the whole Senate membership would then have the opportunity to discuss, deliberate, and vote when appropriate.

The committee would be called as needed by the Senate Chair. However, it and its subcommittees would have the authority to meet as regularly as necessary when situations of special interest or specific concern to the elected membership might occur.

  1. Subcommittees:
    1. As per Standing Rules Article II, Section 2, the committee is encouraged to invite individuals to render review or advice on specific questions as circumstances indicate. They are also encouraged to appoint ad hoc subcommittees as needed. The Chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules is to be notified of the charge and personnel of all ad hoc subcommittees at the time of their formation.
  2. Mandated Reports
    1. None

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(q) Officers and Chairs Standing Committee
  1. Membership:
    1. Senate Officers and Chairs of Standing Committees
    2. The committee shall be chaired by the Chair-Elect of the University Faculty Senate
  2. Duties:
    1. Engage in consultation regarding the ongoing work and reports of the Senate’s standing committees.
    2. Reduce inadvertent redundancy of work across the Senate’s standing committees.
    3. Ensure thorough consultation and collaboration on shared Senate standing committee charges.
    4. Provide a mechanism for cross-committee discussion and consultation, when necessary, before reports go to the full University Faculty Senate.
    5. Serve as an advisory group to the Chair of the University Faculty Senate.
    6. It may initiate Senate informational and positional reports. It will not have the authority to initiate forensic, legislative, or advisory/consultative reports.
  3. Subcommittees:
    1. Data and Analysis Subcommittee
      1. Chair: Chair Elect of the Senate
      2. Members: A minimum of three (3) faculty members drawn from the electorate of the University Faculty Senate. At least one member should have demonstrated skills in qualitative research, and at least one member should have demonstrated skills in quantitative research.
      3. Duties: Shall assist the University Faculty Senate in execution of research involving Senate interests and policy.
  4. Mandated Reports
    1. None

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Article III – Other Functions of the Senate

Section 1

The Senate participates in the selection of members for extra-senatorial standing committees, commissions, and boards of the University. For the purposes of Sections 2 and 5 of this Article, a faculty member is defined as University faculty by Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution but who does not have administrative signatory authority on promotion and tenure documents.

Section 2

Standing Joint Committee on Tenure

(a) Membership: Five members — two members representing the administration appointed for a one-year term by the President of the University, three tenured University faculty elected by the elected faculty members of the University Faculty Senate. The chair will be chosen by the committee from the elected tenured faculty members and will serve a one-year term as chair.

(1) The term of office of the elected members shall be three years. The terms of elected members will commence on July 1 and will be staggered to provide for continuity.

(2) The Committee on Committees and Rules shall serve as the nominating committee.

(3) Nominations shall be presented by elected faculty senators during the next-to-last regular meeting of the Senate each academic year. The quorum for this purpose shall consist of fifty elected faculty senators.

(4) Election of the three faculty members and the three faculty alternates shall be by plurality election by secret and secure ballot.

(5) In case an elected faculty member resigns, the alternate elected in the same year as the member resigning will complete the term. The candidate in the most recent election receiving the highest number of votes of those not elected will fill the unexpired term of the alternate provided there are two or more eligible candidates. Otherwise a special election will be held.

(6) No member of this committee may serve concurrently on the University Promotion and Tenure Review Committee and/or the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.

(b) Duties: See The Pennsylvania State University Policy Manual, Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations, AC-23 and SR: 5-6-75 IV.

Section 3

Standing Joint Committee for General Education Assessment

(a.) Scope

The new standing joint committee should recommend the development of datasets to inform general education assessment. Such datasets should include, but not be limited to:

  1. A General Education Curricular Inventory that shows patterns of course offerings, student enrollment, and student grades by major and location.
  2. General Education curriculum mapping that shows the relationship between General Education and undergraduate majors.
  3. General Education course objective mapping that shows the relationship to General Education learning objectives.
  4. The new standing joint committee should collect and use data in an ongoing way to examine student out-comes, such as (1) student success (e.g., time-to-degree, graduation rate, and other institutional data) and (2) student learning (e.g., course work, engaged scholarship projects, and other factors that provide evidence of learning). The data should also be used to inform curricular improvement, including but not limited to: (1) decisions about the General Education curriculum, including questions about the efficacy of pathways to support integrative thinking; (2) effective assessment practices and processes, especially those that can be shared across disciplines; and (3) decisions about availability of General Education curricular components across the University, including gaps and trends. The goal should be to develop an analytic assessment plan, supported by data that informs curricular improvement and evolves over time.

(b.) Membership

  1. Vice Provost for Planning and Assessment or their designee; Co-Chair
  2. Chair of the Curricular Affairs Committee or their designee; Co-Chair
  3. An associate vice president and associate dean for Undergraduate Education, appointed by the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education
  4. Director and Assistant Dean of the Office for General Education
  5. A member of the Graduate Council, appointed by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and the Dean of the Graduate School
  6. An associate dean from Penn State Libraries, appointed by the Dean of Libraries and Scholarly Communications
  7. A student government representative (either UPUA, CCSG, or WCSGA), appointed by the Committee on Committees and Rules.
  8. Six University Faculty Senators, to represent Commonwealth Campuses and University Park Colleges, appointed by the Senate Committee on Committees and Rules. These Senators must include at least one member each from current members of the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs and the Senate Committee on Education. Faculty Senators will serve rotating two-year, renewable terms.

(c.) Selection

  1. The University Faculty Senate, the Office of Undergraduate Education and the Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research shall jointly appoint the committee.

(d.) Duties

  1. The committee shall work in cooperation with the University-wide assessment working group chaired by the Vice Provost for Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research and any subsequently formed University-assessment coordinating body to ensure that assessment efforts are coordinated across General Education, baccalaureate degree programs, and other assessments of academic areas (such as engaged scholarship, minors, certificate programs, etc.).
  2. The committee shall develop data sets to be used for general education assessment, such as curricular inventories that show patterns of course offerings, student enrollment, and student grades by major and location; curriculum mapping that shows the relationship between General Education and undergraduate majors; and course objective mapping that shows the relationship to General Education learning objectives.
  3. The committee shall prepare annual reports with data-based recommendations on the General Education curriculum to the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs and the Senate Committee on Education.
Section 4

University Promotion and Tenure Review Committee

(a) Membership:

(1) The committee shall consist of eleven members.

(2) Seven of these faculty members shall be selected by plurality election by the University Faculty Senate from a slate of nominees prepared by the Committee on Committees and Rules with provisions for nominations from the Senate floor. At least two faculty members shall be from campuses other than University Park.

(3) The remaining four members of the committee shall be appointed by the President of the University.

(4) The President shall appoint the chair of the committee from among the seven elected and four appointed committee members.

(5) All tenured Professors, Librarians, and other faculty of equivalent rank holding full-time standing appointments are eligible for election by the Senate or appointment by the President with the following exclusions:

(a) the President’s immediate staff;

(b) the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University’s immediate staff;

(c) those holding affiliate academic appointments;

(d) Administrators as defined in Policy AD-14.

(6) All members of the committee shall serve for two-year terms commencing on July 1, staggered to provide continuity to the committee’s deliberations. No persons may serve more than two successive terms and after serving two successive terms may not be appointed or elected to the committee for the following two-year (one-term) period.

(7) In case an elected faculty member resigns, the candidate in the most recent election receiving the highest number of votes of those not elected will complete the term provided there are two or more eligible candidates. Otherwise a special election will be held.

(8) No member of this committee may serve concurrently on the Standing Joint Committee on Tenure and/or the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.

(b) Duties: See The Pennsylvania State University Policy Manual, Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations, AC-23 and SR: 5-6-75 IV.

Section 5

Senate Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

(a) Membership and Alternates: Twelve members elected by the Senate – eight faculty members and four members of the Academic Leadership Council who have signatory authority (through the college level) for promotion and tenure. The group of faculty members shall consist of:

  • a minimum of three employed on non-tenure line contracts
  • a minimum of three of the employed on tenure-line contracts
  • a minimum of three will be from academic voting units at University Park
  • a minimum of three faculty will be from academic voting units other than University Park of which at least one will be employed on a non-tenure-line contract and at least two will be employed on tenure-line contracts

All members and alternates will have either earned or been hired in with at least one level of promotion. The committee chair will be chosen by the committee members from the elected faculty members and will serve a one-year term as chair. The membership criteria outlined above and the membership criteria given for the committee in AC76 will be kept in agreement.

(1) The term of office for regular members will be three years commencing on July 1. The terms will be staggered to provide for continuity.

(2) The term of service for alternate members will be one year unless activated as regular deliberative member.

(3) Should a regular member be unable to complete their term of office an alternate member from their respective faculty or Academic Leadership Council category will complete the leaving member’s term of office, so that the patterns set for the staggering of membership may be preserved.

(4) The activation of alternate members will be ranked by greatest plurality from the pool of eligible unelected candidates in the most recent Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities election. Faculty alternates who are chosen to serve actively and deliberatively on the committee may come from any location and have either tenure or non-tenure status. If the activation of an alternate member temporarily and unavoidably unbalances the cohort component of the committee, that balance should be reestablished in the subsequent regular Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities election.

(5) The Committee on Committees and Rules will present a list of nominees to fill vacancies and expiring terms on the committee at the next to last meeting of the Senate each academic year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at that time.

(6) Election of committee members and alternates will be by secret and secure ballot.

(7) No member of this committee may serve concurrently on the Standing Joint Committee on Tenure and/or the University Promotion and Tenure Review Committee.

(b) Duties and Procedures: See SR: 5-8-73 III, pp. 7-15.

Section 6

Faculty Advisory Committee to the President

(a) The Faculty Advisory Committee to the President, hereinafter referred to as the Faculty Advisory Committee, shall be an instrumentality of the Senate without legislative authority. It shall represent the Senate and thus the faculty at large as an advisory and consultative body to the President of the University. It shall provide advice and consultation to the President on matters of general concern to the faculty pertaining to the welfare and effectiveness of the University. (See Article I of the Constitution.) Topics for discussion may include any matter initiated either by the President or the committee. The committee shall report regularly to the Senate. The term of office for members of this committee shall begin with the passing of the gavel at the last regular Senate meeting of each Senate year.

(b) The committee shall participate regularly in Senate Council deliberations.

(c) The Faculty Advisory Committee shall include:

(1) Chair of the Senate

(2) Chair-Elect of the Senate

(3) Immediate Past Chair of the Senate

(4) Secretary of the Senate

(5) Three elected faculty members chosen for three-year staggered terms with the following exclusions:

(i) The President’s immediate staff;

(ii) The immediate staff of the Executive Vice President and Provost, including Vice Provosts and Associate and Assistant Vice Provosts;

(iii) Other Vice Presidents, including Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents, Academic Deans and Campus Chancellors;

(iv) Those holding affiliate academic appointments.

(d) The elected faculty members shall be chosen at the same time and in the same manner as Senate Officers. At least one of the elected members of the committee must always be from a location other than University Park while at least one elected member must be from University Park. In case an elected faculty member resigns, the candidate in the most recent election receiving the highest number of votes of those not elected will complete the term provided there are two or more eligible candidates and provided representation of both University Park and a location other than University Park is maintained. Otherwise a special election will be held to fill the vacancy.

(e) Any member of the Faculty Advisory Committee who is not a member of the Senate shall have all the rights and privileges of a regular member of the Senate while continuing to serve on the Faculty Advisory Committee. Such individuals shall not be counted as members of academic voting units.

Section 7

Faculty Athletics Representatives

(a) The Faculty Athletics Representative for University Park shall be appointed by the President following nomination by the Committee on Committees and Rules of the Faculty Senate. The representative shall be a tenured full Professor at University Park with a full-time faculty appointment.

(1) The term of appointment shall be five years and is renewable. Reappointment by the President requires prior endorsement by the Committee on Committees and Rules of the Faculty Senate.

Consideration for reappointment of the Faculty Athletic Representative at University Park will be held in the fourth year of the incumbent representative’s term. If the incumbent is re-appointed, that person will complete the fifth year of his or her existing term and then begin a new, five-year term as Faculty Athletic Representative. If a new Faculty Athletic Representative is nominated and appointed for the subsequent term, that person will serve as Faculty Athletic Person Elect, concurrent with the remaining time of the incumbent representative’s term, and then serve five years as Faculty Athletics Representative.

(2) The Faculty Athletics Representative for University Park shall serve under the direction of the President and represent the faculty in all matters related to varsity athletics at University Park. The representative shall serve as an ex officio member of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics and as the primary liaison between the Athletic Director and the Faculty Senate. Under the direction of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics and in accord with Policies and Procedures for Students, Section 67-10, and in compliance with Big Ten and NCAA rules, the representative will act on behalf of the University faculty to certify eligibility for competition and financial aid; approve minor exceptions to 67-10 normal progress and GPA policies; approve waivers for outside competition; assist student athletes in pursuing and receiving academic awards; review proposed NCAA and Big Ten legislation and assist in developing an institutional position on such matters; review forms and documents related to compliance with 67-10, Big Ten, and NCAA rules; administer the NCAA Coaching Certification examination; facilitate research and data collection related to intercollegiate athletics, in general, and the academic status of student athletes, specifically; assist in preparing waivers related to NCAA and Big Ten rules; consult with the President, Athletic Director, and faculty regarding any matters related to the general status of intercollegiate athletics; participate in investigations of possible rule infractions; and represent Penn State at NCAA, Big Ten, and other appropriate meetings or conventions. After consultation with the chair of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, the Faculty Athletics Representative may approve minor exceptions to committee-approved University Park intercollegiate athletic schedules. The representative will also report to the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics all University Park varsity athletic schedules prior to the beginning of the sport season and schedule changes as they occur, all excused class absences for athletic teams each semester, and academic eligibility of athletes for both grade-point deficiency and normal progress each semester.

(3) The Faculty Athletics Representative will present to the Senate annually a summary of the year’s activities.

(4) He/she will also advise Faculty Athletics Representatives at campuses other than University Park, as appropriate.

(b) Faculty Athletics Representatives (other than University Park) shall be appointed by the chancellor of each campus that participates in any National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) programs following nomination by the campus faculty organization, to act for the faculty of that campus. The Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses shall appoint two Faculty Athletics Representatives for those campuses belonging to the Penn State University Athletic Conference. The two PSUAC FARs shall be appointed regionally, with one representing the Eastern campuses (Brandywine, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and York) and one representing the Western campuses (Beaver, DuBois, Fayette, Greater Allegheny, Mont Alto, New Kensington, and Shenango). The Faculty Athletics Representative shall be a faculty member in good standing with a minimum of five years of continuous employment, a commitment to academic integrity, and experience in faculty leadership with committee or administrative involvement at their respective campus.

(1) The term of appointment shall be five years (renewable) and reviewed by the appropriate administrative officers in consultation with the committees or faculty organizations at the end of each term.

(2) The Faculty Athletics Representatives shall act for their respective faculties in accord with Academic Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Students, Section 67-30, and present a summary of activities annually to the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. The Faculty Athletics Representatives also serve as ex-officio members of the extra-senatorial Committee on Campus Athletics. The Faculty Athletics Representatives shall also serve, under the direction of the appropriate administrative officers of their campus, as the representative to the appropriate intercollegiate athletic associations.

Section 8

Committee on Campus Athletics

(a) Membership:

(1) All NCAA Division III Faculty Athletics Representatives.

(2) The Penn State University Athletic Conference (PSUAC) Faculty Athletics Representative.

(3) One faculty senator elected from a campus competing in athletics events other than University Park.

(a) Serves as Chair of the Committee.

(b) Serves concurrently on the Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics.

(4) One student senator elected from a campus competing in athletics events other than University Park. The student senator serves concurrently on the Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics.

(5) One Division III campus athletics director.

(6) Director, Commonwealth Campus Athletics.

(7) One student athlete from a campus competing in athletics events other than University Park.

(b) The University Park, Division I, Faculty Athletics Representative, will be available to advise the campus FARs as noted in the Senate’s Standing Rules, Article III, Section 8, (b) (2).

(c) The membership of the Committee on Campus Athletics will be determined annually by the Senate Committee on Committees and Rules. Committee meetings will be held at least three times per semester.

(d) Any changes recommended by the Committee on Campus Athletics to University or student policy relating to athletics (i.e., 67-00) would be proposed through the committee chair to the Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics or chair of the appropriate Senate committee.

(e) Duties: The Committee on Campus Athletics will maintain a reporting to, and information-sharing, relationship with the Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. Responsibilities will include the approval of campus athletic schedules; review of student athlete eligibility reports; ensure campus compliance with Policy 67-00; monitor student athlete GPA requirements (both Division III and PSUAC); oversight of academic review/graduation rates of campus student-athletes; and provide consultation for campuses considering changes in athletics conferences. The CCA will provide a forum for discussion and consultation for intercollegiate athletics programs on the campuses and promote positive communication between faculty, coaches, and student athletes. The CCA will review the annual reports from the campuses and compile them for presentation to the Senate Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. The CCA will prepare and present a biennial report on the status of campus athletics to the University Faculty Senate. The CCA will facilitate and enhance faculty consultation prior to the appointment of FARs at the campuses. The CCA will develop guidelines for the involvement of campus faculty organizations in providing oversight and consultation to the campus athletic director.

(f) Mandated reports: biennial report on the status of campus athletics.

Section 9

University Faculty Ombudsperson and Ombudsperson Elect:

(a) Eligibility: Current or emeritus faculty member

(b) Term: Four years, no term limit

(c) Election: By the Senate Council

The election for Ombudsperson will be held in the third year of the incumbent Ombudsperson’s term. If the incumbent is re-elected, that person will complete the fourth year of his or her existing term and then begin a new, four-year term as Ombudsperson. If a new Ombudsperson is elected, that person will serve one year as Ombudsperson-Elect, concurrent with the last year of the incumbent Ombudsperson’s term, and then serve four years as Ombudsperson.

(d) Restrictions: The University Faculty Ombudsperson or Ombudsperson-Elect may not serve on the Standing Joint Committee on Tenure, the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, or the University Promotion and Tenure Review Committee.

(e) Duties: The University Faculty Ombudsperson shall coordinate the training of all college and campus ombudspersons; shall provide for the appropriate dissemination of information among the various college and campus ombudspersons; and shall be the University-level contact for the various college and campus ombudspersons. The University Faculty Ombudsperson shall report periodically to the Senate Council and shall maintain liaison with the Office of the University Provost, the Office of Human Resources and the Office of the University Faculty Senate. The University Faculty Ombudsperson shall have no appeal function.

The Ombudsperson-Elect shall have no formal role or responsibility, other than to acquire a thorough understanding of university policies that pertain to faculty rights and responsibilities and promotion and tenure, and other aspects of the position.

Section 10

Academic Member of the University Board of Trustees

The Academic Member of the University Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as the Academic Trustee, is nominated by the Senate Council Nominating Committee and elected by the Board of Trustees.

(a) The Academic Trustee shall have the rights and responsibilities designated in the Charter, Bylaws, and Standing Orders of the Board of Trustees.

(b) Nominees for the position of Academic Trustee shall be selected by the Senate Council Nominating Committee from among the University’s full-time faculty, with the following exclusions:

(i) The President’s immediate staff;

(ii) The immediate staff of the Executive Vice President and Provost, including Vice Provosts and Associate and Assistant Vice Provosts;

(iii) Other Vice Presidents, including Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, and Campus Chancellors;

(iv) Those holding affiliate academic appointments

(c) Slates of the nominees for the position of Academic Trustee shall be determined by the Senate Council Nominating Committee and submitted to the University Faculty Senate at the same time and in the same manner as the other slates that the Senate Council Nominating Committee submits to the Senate. The University Faculty Senate shall then vote in the same manner as it votes to elect the Senate officers. According to the election results, the name of the recipient of the highest number of votes shall be forwarded to the Board of Trustees as the preferred candidate for Academic Trustee. In accordance with the Board’s Charter, Bylaws, and Standing Orders (Standing Order V), the Board of Trustees will then appoint the Academic Trustee. In the event that the designated Academic Trustee does not serve his or her full term, the recipient of the next highest number of votes from the most recent University Faculty Senate election for this position shall become the University Faculty Senate’s Academic Trustee nominee to fill the unfinished term, in accordance with the Board’s Charter, Bylaws, and Standing Orders.

Section 11

Council of Past Senate Chairs:

(a) Membership: The Council shall consist of the Past Chairs of the Senate. It shall have no legislative authority, and shall serve only as an advisory and consultative body to the Chair of the Senate. Those who are not already elected to the Senate by their units shall serve as non-voting members of the University Faculty Senate.

(b) Duties: The Council shall meet annually on the Monday prior to the first Senate meeting of the academic year. Thereafter, the Council shall convene only at the call of the Senate Chair or at the request of at least three members of the Council to provide consultation and advice. The Immediate Past Chair of the Senate shall serve as chair of the Council.

(c) Except by special request of the Committee on Committees and Rules in consultation with the Senate Chair, non-voting members will not be assigned to a Senate standing committee.

Section 12

Senate Historians:

(a) The Chair of the Senate shall appoint, from elected Senators, a Senate Historian to serve for a three-year (renewable) term. The Chair may appoint Associate Historians to serve as a resource to the Senate Historian for a one-year (renewable) term.

(b) Duties:

(1) The Senate Historian and Associate Historians shall file an annual informational report with the Committee on Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology to include:

(i) A summary of the major issues, debates and legislative initiatives of the Senate in the preceding year.

(ii) A transcript of any remarks made to the full Senate by candidates seeking election as either a Senate officer, or as the Academic Member of the University Board of Trustees.

(iii) Brief biographical descriptions of the Senate officers, the Parliamentarian and the Academic Member of the University Board of Trustees.

(iv) Photographs of Senate proceedings from the prior year.

(2) The Senate Historian and Associate Historians shall, on an ongoing basis, create content for the Senate web page concerning the history of the University Faculty Senate.

Section 13

Senators representing the Senate on extra-senatorial committees, boards, and commissions shall report actions of these bodies to the Senate when requested by the Senate Council or the Chair.

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Article IV Amendments

Amendments to the Standing Rules may be adopted at any meeting of the Senate by a majority vote, provided that the amendments have been presented in writing in the agenda for that meeting.

In those cases where amendments are deemed to be editorial changes of a non-substantive nature (e.g., issues of nomenclature, committee names, or faculty titles), the Committee on Committees and Rules may submit them to Senate Council for approval by a two-thirds vote. If the vote fails, they will be returned to the Committee on Committees and Rules to be submitted via the regular legislative process. If the vote succeeds, the changes shall be published in a Communication to the Senate in the next Senate agenda. For five days following the Senate meeting, any faculty senator who feels that the changes require a more careful review may place their objections in writing to the Senate Chair to be returned to the Committee on Committees and Rules to be submitted via the regular legislative process. If there are no objections after five days the changes will go into effect.

Penn State Schuylkill Nittany Lion Statue